The beginning of the end

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The nauseating smell of putrefaction invaded the air accompanied by the monstrous screams that the horde carried with them. Everything they touched was destroyed, wasted and died. The horsemen of the apocalypse seemed almost amateurish in comparison. When that river of monsters arrived in front of the celestial hosts suddenly stopped, almost frozen in time, the only thing that could be felt was the heavy breathing for the race and the choked breaths of the deformed beings evoked by Risengard. In the midst of that black tide the figure of Risengard advanced, it was the only white spot in all that dark chaos. Just as in the past his figure always had an aura different from that of others and that tiny body this time had it for the wrong reasons. As he advanced before his eyes all that little body began to change and take on a new form. Now Risengard had an adult body, wore black armor and held his spear. "Who among you wants to join me?" were the words he scanned aloud to his rivals, "Who of you wants to create a new world with me?" in response there was only the deafening silence just before. No one moved, no one made a single sound, angels and demons lined up next to each other and prepared for battle. At the center of those rows that had been created in a flash had enclosed Aziraphale and Crowley together with Anatema and Newt. They were the last defense to enter the field to protect the fragments in their possession. Risengard smiled at the angel and the demon in a glacial way, his certainty was that at any cost he would get to them and take those pieces. Crowley felt the angel touch his hand and pass something to him, immediately he didn't understand what was in his hands, it was only when he lowered his gaze for a moment that he saw the sparkle of the fragments between his fingers, he looked up surprised on the face of the angel who looked at him seriously. "No one? It's really a pity that not one of you understands, but then let the dancing begin!" It was just a moment, the time it takes to blink, that's all, the first blow came horribly to the front row that he could resist the impact, from there was chaos. Risengard's spear lowered and the attack began. The horde poured like a wave into the space that separated the two factions, the first blows were terrible, the first glances between rivals even more. Now that the factions began to mix in the fight many angels and many demons recognized their friends and their companions in the ranks, no one spared a blow even though they had friends in front of them, everyone had jumped into the fray and things did not seem to be going well.In a short time the first ranks were broken and scattered everywhere, the first fallen ones began too, angels and demons dissolved into nothingness, there was nothing left to remember about them. The next rows remained watching, resisting the impulse to save their companions, trying to slow down the advance of the monstrous beasts that looked like chimeras but were not because even the animal parts of which they were composed were unrecognizable. The demons and angels who had suffered the powers of Risengard had a crazy look, their bodies had been changed by the powers they had received and had become deformed depending on what had been strengthened in them. The worst nightmares of all were spilling over onto that battlefield. For once in the history of the universe, heaven and hell were fighting together. Beelzebub and Gabriel were fighting side by side and protecting each other as they tried to get close to the other side's leader to strike at him. Their efforts were useless for how many enemies they hit, and from the point where part of the horde was before, enemies continued to arrive on relentless and tireless enemies.

The celestial ranks advanced one after the other until the time came when Aziraphale and Crowley also had to fight. Just before Aziraphale struck the first blow the angel approached his companion and took his hand and held it for a moment, his lips opened ready to say something but were interrupted, the angel's sword went high to parry the blow directed to them, now the demon was watching Aziraphale's back and watched his complete transformation into a warrior. And here his angel was no longer there, he had assumed his warrior form, on that face there was not a single smile, his eyes were empty and the body wearing that armor was full of scars. One blow after another the flaming sword left only ashes behind, in a short time all the enemies around them realized who was in front of them and before attacking they gathered in small groups. The sound of the screams mingled with the sound of the roar of sword shots, gunshots, broken shields and falling bodies. Crowley felt the memories coming in waves, he remembered the thousands of human battles he had witnessed and were equally ruthless at this one, he felt the rage mount, not only for what was happening but for his helplessness. He had lied to Newt, he knew exactly how the boy felt because he himself had felt that feeling so many times that he lost count. He grabbed a sword from the ground and began to fight, he continued to advance one blow after another until he was able to reach Anatema and Newt who were about to be caught. The witch cast spells and incinerated her opponents, lightning fell around her and an icy air surrounded her, her hair floated around her face and her eyes became completely black. Newt covered her shoulders, in his hands he held Anatema's gun with which he was able to hit many enemies without letting them near her. In spite of everything, they got away with it, but the demon knew they couldn't last much longer. "You must leave! You can't stay here anymore!" the demon had to scream to be heard, Newt pointed his gun at him, the demon's eyes opened wide, the shot went off and Crowley heard a body falling behind him. "We can help you!" he yelled back at the boy who had actually felt his point. "No you can't! Look at her!" The demon yanked the boy and they both looked at Anathema. At first glance it might seem all right but it wasn't, the girl had never used her powers in that way and she was surrendering to them completely but it was physically hurting her. The witch was pale, if you looked at her hands carefully you could see that they were shaking and a trickle of blood was dripping from her nose. At that sight Newt seemed to understand, he rushed towards her and yanked her close to her, "We have to leave! Now!" the girl could only make a slight nod of consent, Crowley closed his eyes and concentrated and recited a formula in Enochian, a light began to surround the two boys, brighter and brighter attracting the attention of the enemies who knew exactly what was happening. A group of demons passed to the enemy ran to meet them but the boys were just in time to disappear as one last shot went off Newt's gun and the girl whispered in the demon's ear "The prophecy is about to be fulfilled". Panic overwhelmed every single fiber of the demon, and then that feeling turned into determination, if he had to die for that prophecy he would do it fighting and protecting everything that was his, somehow he had to get to his real sword and quickly. 

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