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Ruby Davis

Gazing at the empty night sky, her tears burst forth like water from a dam, spilling down her face mixing with darkness. Ruby sat by her bedroom window talking to her shadow and bed about life and misery. the muscles of her chin trembled like a small child and she looked toward the clouds, as if nature could soothe her. There , she sat once again unable to forget her searing pain. About a month ago, she had it all and by all she meant Aron: He was the love of her life, her soulmate. They planed for a happy life and a full house of kids for a year. To her agony though, a check up at the gynecologist ended her dreams of being a mother of her own. She told him wanting comfort but a cold shoulder and an apologetic breakup were all she got. 

She moved out of his to a new far away town to heal. 

The sobs  that were stifled at first as she attempted to hide the intensity of her grief, then overcome her and  she broke down entirely, all of her defenses washed away in those salty tears.

Sin Gray:

He was never a love-child. His life was labelled from the start showing his origins: his mother called him Sin for a reason. He was the forbidden fruit of a one-night-stand. While his wealthy father was joyed with the idea of an heir, his mother couldn't wait for the nine months to be over so she could run. He grew up with nannies, seeing his dad flirting his way into their bedrooms then throwing them out. He grew to be a replica: the apple doesn't fall far from the tree though , right?

On his Twenty five birthday, a knock on a door left him with a baby. An enveloped letter said it was his and one of his ex's. For days he contemplated leaving the baby girl in an orphanage and paying them a huge amount of money to treat her well but among her cries and smiles he grew attached and started to love that baby; Eva he called and her name meant life because she became the meaning of his.

Six years later , he was swooning nannies and his baby girl grew into a loud sarcastic mouth who blamed his every move. Eva hated his ways and fought him day and night. She sounded like a grown up and he was proud of her morals but he was simply Sin and sinful. 

Eva Gray 

Her father adores her. She knows how much he loves her and how she can toy him however she pleases but one thing about him she hated: He would kiss her nannies then throw them away. She wanted a mommy like the other girls in class but whenever she brought it up her daddy would buy her a gift or shush her with money...He was a lost case.

One day, he got back from work early probably to sweet talk her newest nanny and Eva had it. Taking her favorite teddy and blanket in hand , she ran to the house next to them and knocked. She remembers how sweet the lady next door was to her when threw the ball to her yard many times before. She even offered her cookies and invited her past nanny to have coffee. She would stay for an hour and go back if allowed, the little girl planned as the door opened and Ruby smiled warmly at her.

 "Princess Eva, did you lose your ball again?" Ruby greeted with a warm smile.

"Daddy is kissing my nanny." the little girl replied rolling her blue eyes.

"Oh!" was all that can Ruby say as she allowed the girl in. 

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