CHP. 31 • Brooding Assembly •

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A gloomy atmosphere hung over the school the next morning as students moved to attend an assembly. The headmaster had previously announced that a memorial was being held in the sports hall for the girl that was murdered, and nobody was in the mood to be messing around - not even the delinquents.

"I still can't believe Odayaka of all people was killed. I mean... that girl was all sunshine and rainbows" commented Gaku from his place next to Y/N. The H/C-haired girl frowned but couldn't help and agree with him. After all, Amai was innocent.

Umeji caught sight of Y/N's troubled expression and quickly grasped her hand in his. He gently placed it on his lap and continued to hold it there reassuringly. Y/N glanced up to meet his eyes briefly, only to smile weakly at the concern present in his gaze.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me" she spoke in a hushed whisper as the assembly begun. However, Umeji managed to catch her words as he turned to her with a softened gaze. He gave her hand a small squeeze before sighing quietly.

"I'll always worry about you."

Despite herself, Y/N's lips curved upwards into a small smile. Who knew that a delinquent could be so good with words?

They sat like that throughout the entire assembly and soon, it was time to head back to class.

"Ugh, that was the saddest thing I've attended in forever" spoke Hokuto with his head slightly bowed. Osana turned to him with a concerned gaze and gently placed her hand on his arm. The delinquent naturally stiffened from the physical touch, but relaxed once he realised it was Osana. He sighed and turned to meet her eyes with a half-hearted smile.

Y/N looked at them with a barely noticable grin. Those two were too cute for her.

The H/C-haired girl turned to glance at Umeji and noticed that he seemed to be deep in his thoughts. His brows were furrowed slightly as he concentrated on whatever he was thinking about and he gently bit the tip of his chapped lips. Y/N wasn't quiet sure what could have been running through Umeji's mind due to the lack of emotions present on his face, but just incase, she gently lifted his arm over her shoulders. Y/N pressed herself against his side and tenderly wrapped her arm around his torso. Umeji looked at her through his yellowish eyes and sighed as a content smile rose on his features.

"You want to skip class and go to town?" he asked, watching as she lifted her head to reply to him. Y/N thought about it for a second, but then decided that there was no harm in his idea, so she nodded in confirmation.

"Yeah, sure" she spoke, "I don't think I can deal with this place being all gloomy and shit."

Umeji gave a small grin at her colourful use of language and proceeded to walk with her towards the entrance of the school. The pair continued to make their way from the grounds and onto the streets outside.

"So, where do you want to go?" Umeji asked, turning to look at his girlfriend. Y/N thought about it for a moment, before a memory surged to the forefront of her mind. She recalled the beautiful scenery of the park's lake and suddenly had an urge to go there.

"Let's go to the park" she suggested, watching as Umeji's eyes lit up at the prospect. He seemed eager to go.

"Okay, let's bounce."

Y/N grinned at the strange catchphrase, but decided to roll with it. All that she cared about at that moment, was getting away from the toxic environment which was school.

To Fear or Be Feared || Umeji Kizuguchi x Reader || COMPLETED ✓जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें