CHP. 15 • His Eyes •

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A few weeks had passed and soon, Y/N was more-or-less back to her usual self. During those weeks she was often visited by Osoro and Umeji, with whom she truly bonded with once she got to know him. The cuts all over her body were healed up, allowing Y/N to function normally once more.

"Okay, just one last check up and you're free to go" spoke nurse Muja Kina from her side. Y/N grinned and nodded excitedly. She had spent a lot of time with the pink-haired nurse over the days and had come to like her kind, clumsy personality. After the check up was finished, the nurse gave her a thumbs up and permitted for her to leave. Y/N practically skipped out of the white room, having already spent enough time there to last her a lifetime. It was lunch currently, so Y/N wasted no time in running over to the incinerator. Once she got there, the group hadn't noticed her yet, causing Y/N to smirk evilly. She calmly crept up behind Osoro and proceeded to jump on her back.

"Ahhhh!!!" yelled Y/N, successfully startling the blonde. Osoro gave a noise of surprise and quickly threw Y/N off her back. The H/C-haired girl landed on her feet and pretended to take on a battle pose.

"Umeji! You're the judge of this battle!" exclaimed Y/N, playfully dragging him between her and Osoro. The boy gave her a sarcastic 'really' look, but complied anyways.

"Alright, I guess" he drawled, "Go!!!"


Y/N didn't have time to think before Osoro suddenly lunged at her. Thankfully she moved out of the way just in time to not get hit.

"Kizuguchi! You're supposed to do a countdown!" yelled a frustrated Y/N and Osoro kept trying, but failing to hit her. Umeji merely shrugged as he leaned against the wall, causing Y/N to internally facepalm at his 'non-professionalism'.

"Y/N, stop moving. I'm trying to land a hit here!" exclaimed Osoro, still trying to at least graze her friend. Y/N smirked and began to wriggled around while simultaneously dodging.

"Does this help in any way?" she asked, doing a flat out hula hoop dance. Osoro groaned and placed her hands on her hips.

"Seriously Y/N?" asked the blonde, laughing lightly, "Is this what you call 'stop moving'?"

"It is if I want to survive your clumsy attacks" Y/N teased, sticking her tongue out at Osoro.

The rest of the guys watched the two bicker back and forth, all wearing identical looks of surprised confusion. Was this how they always acted? Umeji turned and smirked at the boys expressions.

"You'd think they were all scary, but after seeing this I'd beg to differ" he commented, causing Y/N to turn to him with a look of disdain.

"Excuse me!" she yelled, "This does not concern you, yellow boy!"

Umeji's smirk only widened as he released a small chuckle with a shake of his head. "Yellow boy?" he asked incredulously.

"Yeah, duuuuh, look at your shirt" Y/N said, pointing at his chest, "and your eyes are yellow-"

"Actually" interjected Umeji, "my eyes are orange fading to yellow, so you're wrong."

Y/N looked at him with genuine surprise. "Wait, really? Let me see" she spoke defiantly, striding up to him. Y/N came close and placed her hands on both sides of his face, bringing his head down to her eye level. Had it not been for her overly determined expression, this scene could have easily been mistaken for something a bit different. Umeji, however, quickly caught on to their position, causing him to blush a bright shade of red.

The gang snickered at him from somewhere behind him, but all he could focus on where the bright E/C eyes of Y/N. They held such deep emotion within them, that it made it very difficult for Umeji to look away and Y/N herself got lost in their intense gaze, as she just couldn't stop staring at the peculiar colour of his irises.

'Orange fading to yellow, huh?'

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