CHP. 6 • Where It All Began •

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As Osoro was walking home, she wore her signature frown. She didn't want to go home in the slightest, but once she remembered Y/N's predicament, the blonde decided that it could have been a hell of a lot worse. Only a year had passed since the H/C-haired girl had confided in Osoro about her burdensome home life, and Osoro truly felt sorry for her. This insight helped her to understand Y/N's harsh attitude towards others, and also the potential reason as to why she decided to help her initially.

'It was because I reminded her too much of herself. I was weak and helpless...'

Osoro clenched her fist as painful memories surged to the forefront of her mind. She remembered the day well, the day she thought she had lost it all...

Osoro was strolling calmly towards the entrance of her middle school, happily smiling at the blue sky above. Her father had just given her the best gift any twelve year old would want - her own personal phone. He was very protective of his only daughter and had thought that by keeping her away from social media, he could keep her safe from the world's harsh realities for longer.

Little did he know but Osoro was being bullied at school.

"Oooh, look who decided to show up!" called a familiar sneering voice from behind her. Osoro blanched and froze to the spot, her heart hammering in her ribcage.

'No... not today... not on my...'

Suddenly, the little girl was kicked harshly in the stomach, causing her to double over in pain. Osoro whimpered but stood her ground, refusing to back down so easily. She was suddenly surrounded by a group of guys, each wearing a degrading glare on their face. The leader of the group smirked and walked towards the shaking girl.

"There, there" he cooed, moving around her with a sadistic grin on his face, "Don't cry pig-tails this will only hurt a bit." Suddenly, the group swarmed her like a group of bees around a hive, and Osoro was pinned harshly to the wall by two boys. The leader quickly dug in his pockets and Osoro paled once she saw what it was. The boy brandished a shiny metallic knife in her direction and proceeded to walk close to her. Osoro squirmed from her position, but this only resulted in another blow to the ribs. Tears began to build up in her eyes as she looked desperately around her.

"Help!" she called frantically, trying to get someone's attention. Osoro didn't care that the group laughed at her helpless, all she cared about was getting out of this situation alive.

"Shut up brat!" yelled the leader, "No one will come for a motherless freak like you!"

That did it for twelve year old Osoro. Her eyes widened, letting the built up tears fall down her pristine cheeks. The leader of the group scoffed at her mortified expression and quickly took action.

"What a fucking cry baby" he muttered and suddenly, he swiped at her face with the sharp knife. Osoro cried out in pain as the weapon sliced into her face, cutting open a wound that would scar her for life. The boy lashed at her again, this time making the gash deeper and more deliberate. Blood poured down her damaged face along, mixing with her salty tears as the liquid formed a crimson red trail. Osoro hung her head, letting out a sob that sound pathetic to her own ears.

'I wish this would stop. I wish I was never born. I wish I was-'

Suddenly, she heard a yelp followed by a series of screaming. Osoro slumped to the ground, her shoulders hunched over as she shook uncontrollably. She could vaguely hear the leader telling his group to run, before a loud, snarky voice filled her ears.

"That's right! Run like the scumbags you are!"

There was a silence between Osoro and the person who scared away her bullies, but eventually she heard someone sit in front of her.

"Hey" whispered the voice. Osoro looked up only to gasp and shuffle away from the figure in front of her. Kneeling before her was none other than Y/N L/N herself, the most notorious and violent of the bullies at her middle school. Osoro stared at the girl with H/L H/C hair in horror, thinking this was the end of her. However, she was surprised when Y/N's eyes softened and the person who was supposed to be the 'evil one', moved in to hug her. Osoro gasped, but couldn't help it any longer. A string of sobs escaped her mouth, causing Y/N to wrap her arms tightly around her.

"It's okay, they won't be coming back anytime soon" Y/N assured the blond, cradling Osoro in her arms. Y/N noticed the two large gashes on her face and quickly pulled away to examine the injury.

"Ouch, that looks painful" she commented, moving her hand to gently touch under her wounds. Osoro winced but didn't do anything to stop her. Y/N sighed and began rummaging in her pockets.

"Here" she said, handing Osoro a roll of bandages and medical tape, "These should prevent blood from spilling on your uniform."

Osoro took them and Y/N helped the injured girl to bandage her cheek. After they were done Osoro still looked very upset, but Y/N didn't blame her, after all, she knew what it felt like to be rendered helpless. Without thinking through her actions, Y/N extended her hand to Osoro.

"I'm sure you've already heard of me, but I'm Y/N L/N."

The blond girl looked up timidly and placed her hand in Y/N's to shake it, causing the H/C-haired girl to grin. Osoro gazed at the person who saved her and placed a gentle hand to her marred cheek.

"Will this... will this scar?" she asked, tracing the jagged, cross-shaped injury. Y/N gave her a sorry expression and sighed.

"I'm afraid so."

Osoro looked down in disappointment. What will she do now that she had a permanent scar on her face? There is no doubt that this will bring on more bullying. Osoro shuddered at the thought. She honestly didn't think she could take much more. As though sensing Osoro's thought process, Y/N quickly placed her hands on Osoro's shoulders.

"Don't worry about the bullies. Starting today, I will teach you to fight and stand up for yourself. No one will ever cross their paths with you, I promise."

And sure enough Y/N did keep that promise. Ever since the day that the H/C-haired girl reached out to her, Osoro's world had completely changed. Honestly, the blonde wasn't sure whether or not she would be alive right now had it not been for her friends incessant training.

Osoro frowned. If only there was something she could do to help Y/N.

To Fear or Be Feared || Umeji Kizuguchi x Reader || COMPLETED ✓Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon