Fourty-Four | Enemies

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Bella Ryan

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Bella Ryan



I leaned on the ship's railings, both hands lying inside the pockets of my rugged shorts. My white top clung fit on my body, sunglasses sitting on the bridge of my nose as I observed my surroundings, the bright sunlight hitting my skin.

The blonde curls of the wig I was wearing sprawled over my back, reaching my waist. I was gonna be on a single ship full of strangers, and possibly enemies, I had to take precautions.

My eyes scrunched behind my glasses as I focused on locating my target: Cairo Cervantes.

The ship still had a few hours before it will leave the docks so I'm guessing the man wanted to make a late appearance seeing as he hasn't arrived yet.

"A lady shouldn't be standing here under the sun by herself." A voice says from beside me.

I turn my head towards the man, raising a brow as my eyes subtly scanned him.

The man had dark hair similar to mine, his skin tanned. He had a muscular build and was a couple inches taller than me. I wasn't able to recognize who he was since like me, a pair of sunglasses was perched on the bridge of his nose, a cap covered the top half part of his face. He was not that old, a few years older than me, maybe. His arms were crossed from where he stood a few feet away from me.

I sighed, slighly annoyed. I only decided to busy myself for a week on a ship because of the mission and the mission only, I didn't want to meddle around people and socialize. There was no point.

Having no choice, I decided to respond. "Do I know you?" I asked, returning my gaze to the entrance of the ship, still looking out for my target.

"I doubt it. But I do know you," He says. "Red."

Now that, caught my attention. So much for wearing a fucking disguise.

Who is this man? I asked myself. If he was able to recognize me through my disguise then he must be someone who should not be underestimate.

Not everyone was greatly familiar with Red's face. Sure, they may recognize me after a few looks but it was unlikely for someone to recognize her at first glance, let alone while wearing a wig as a disguise.

Before I joined the Panthers-without having any choice, may I add-I usually wore a mask whenever I went on missions. Although I stopped wearing the mask when I joined the American mafia, the missions that were assigned to me were usually those exclusively within the American mafia's business. There were a few times where my missions were more than just shipments, deals, and heists: The time when Lucas and I single-handedly ambushed a drug factory was an example. Only those whom I knew personally would recognize me at first glance.

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