Six | A Damned Knife

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Edited 04/18/20

Edited 04/18/20

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Bella Ryan

"Angel face. Evil thoughts."


"Ready?" Harriot, the bulky guy who os tasked to lower me down with the rope, asked.

"Very." I respond as he slowly lowered the rope.

After a while, my foot hit the ground as I gave the rope a tug signalling my contact with the floor.

The room was dark, but enough for me to see clearly. From my crouched position, I can slowly make out the figure of a man by the foyer. Probably a guard. I slowly trudged my way behind the man, making as little noise as possible. Using the butt of my rifle, I punched the back of the man's head, making him fall to the floor with a quiet thud.

I spot two more men pacing back and forth in front of the entrance of the warehouse. I take my pistol with the silencer, shooting each of them with one bullet.

"Red, do you copy?" Lucas' voice says in my earpiece.

"Yes, three of their men are down. I'm about to turn the alarms off." I say as I headed towards a keypad.

I connected my phone to the keypad with a cable and turned off all the alarms through my phone.

"Alarms are down." I told Lucas' team through the earpiece before exploring the warehouse.

The warehouse was dark and was hidden amongst other buildings. And it definitely doesn't give the impression of being a gang headquarters.

After a few minutes of walking, I came across a hallway with multiple jail cells. I raised my rifle, ready to shoot at an enemy.

I check the first cell.


Then the second, then the third. Both were empty. The last cell also showed nothing but darkness. That is, until a figure moved from the corner.

"Come out." I growl as a scrawny and thin figure of a teen came out of the darkness. I met his gaze.

Pure fear was surrounding his features. His bottom lip trembling, his hands shaking in fear. Beads of sweat trickled down his forehead.

And that fear was caused by me.

"Pl-please." He croaked out. "Do-don't hurt m-me." He begged.

"Don't worry, I'm not one of them. I came to rescue you." I informed making him release a breath.

"Is there anyone else locked in these cells?" I asked while picking the lock open, in a matter of seconds, it opened.

"I d-don't think so." He answered.

I guided him out of the cell and towards the exit.

Just as we were about a few feet away from the exit, I heard a gun cock behind us.

"Going anywhere?" A gruff voice said behind us. I turned around, hiding the boy behind me.

"Yes, so if you don't mind we'll get going." I hissed, slowly clenching my rifle.

"Sorry to disturb your trip then." He said as he raised his gun towards me.

"Now who are you?" He asked.

Seriously, I'm getting tired of that question.

"Again?" I whined. "Do people live under a rock or something?" I complained, throwing my hands in the air.

"Who are you." The man growled again.

"Devil to most, angel to some.....pschh, what am I talking about, everyone sees me as the devil herself." I let out a low chuckle

I turned to the boy and whispered: "Here's my pistol, use it for protection." I whisper, giving him one of my pistols before making my way towards the guy.

I remove the strap of my rifle and threw it to the ground, doing the same with my other pistol.

"Let's do this the rough way," I say as I got into a fighting stance.

The guy drew his gun to aim at me. Unfortunately for him, he was too slow, enough for me to kick the gun out of his hold.

I kick him where the sun doesn't shine making him stumble a bit and let out a wince.

Before he can recover, I jab his side, then the other. Before dropping to the ground and sweeping his feet, making him fall. I stepped over him.

"Awe is Mr. Bulky guy too weak?" I cooed.

Out of nowhere, he pulled out a sharp object. The damned guy had a knife!

I tried to dodge the knife but it was too late. I was stabbed on my side.

I flinch at the pain. I was used to this kind of pain. Getting stabbed, shot, and even scraped.

"You're going to regret that badly." I say before removing the knife out of my body and swiftly stabbing him. His eyes widened as I twisted the knife in him before he let out his last breath.

I head back to the boy, clutching my side.

"You okay?" I ask.

"I-I should be asking you that question!" He exclaimed in panic as he clutched my gun. I'd be lucky if I made it out here without being shot by him.

"Red!" I heard Lucas shout. I turn to the voice and saw that he was running towards me. Probably thinking that the boy beside me will shoot me.

"You okay?" He said through gritted teeth, as he eyed the boy who slowly made his way behind me.

"Besides a cut, I'm a-okay." I let out a humorless laugh, immediately stopping and gritting my teeth at the pain it brought to my side.

Lucas' eyes narrowed to my side, glaring at my cut.

"Did he," he pointed towards the boy. "do this?"

"No, he's a civilian." I inform him before adding: "Let's go?" I stepped forward before I was stopped by Lucas.

"No way in hell I'm letting you walk while your side is bleeding." He said before-out of nowhere-lifting me bridal style.

"What the hell?!" I exclaimed.

"Put me down this instant, Kingston!" I punched his shoulder, making no progress at all.

"Nope." He says before the corner of his lips slightly tugged upward. I wouldn't have noticed it if I didn't have good observing skills.

It's nice to see this protective side of him. But why protect me —The most feared assassin— out of all people?



I swear that's a word.

So, what do y'all think???

And who do you think is this boy that Bella saved?

Just a little teaser: next chapter won't be in Bella's POV, neither in Lucas'

Stay tuned


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