| call # 5 |

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"hello? kōushi?" you answered the phone

"good afternoon, my moon cake." he replied.

"geez, stop with the cheesy nicknames hahaha."

"i'm going to visit you." he said.

"ooh? when? i'm excited!" you told him.

"well, i'm already on my way to your door step." he said while chuckling.

"wait. you're kidding right?" you asked him in disbelief as you ran towards the door. "no, really, where are you?" you asked again.

"right here, silly." he said as you hurriedly opened the door.

"oh my gosh!" you screamed at him.

"how's my moon cake?" he said as he gestured his arms for a hug.

"i missed you!" you yelled out as you gave him a hug and dragged him inside.

"mom!! kōushi's here!!" you loudly said.

"oh? i'll be down in a bit!" your mom replied.

"what are you doing here?" you asked him as he pouted, "you owe me two hugs."

you chuckled and said, "you big baby." and gave him another hug.

"i missed you." he said as he smiled at you.

"i missed you too." you said, "i'm kinda parched. i'm gonna get water." he said.

"oh, i'll come with you."

as the both of you entered the kitchen, he eyed on the single apple sitting on the counter.

"did you get into a fight with someone?" he asked you, "we avoided a fight. he apologized already."

"who gave you this?"

"kenma did." you said as you handed him a glass of water.

"i thought i was the only one who apologized to you using apples?" he said as he placed the glass down.

"oh well. kenma's now.."

"my boyfriend."

| kōushi |

"your what?"

"my boyfr—" i cut her off, "no, no, don't repeat it." i told her.

"really?" i asked in disbelief.

"..well yeah, we kinda.. started dating after the tokyo excursion..." she said as she looked at me with puppy eyes.

"oh well." i sighed.

"tell me all about it."

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dear diary | kozume kenma x readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें