| entry # 19 |

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'Dear Diary,

Today, 4 handsome men visited me in my house. One of them was absolutely gorgeous! His name is Akaashi and maaaaan, I was blown away ! Oh and yeah.. Kenma got pissed at me :( he said he was disappointed and I have no idea what I did, he walked out my room and I was left there clueless! He was supposed to teach me math today too!

Akaashi offered to teach me but I politely declined. Kenma is my tutor and I can't just leave him for Akaashi- even tho I was so tempted to say yes- I held on and politely said no.

He respected my decision, but he did help me rewrite my notes! He had pretty handwriting. Ah, I'm falling in love.

Well that's it for today, I guess having a broken leg isn't that bad, well actually it is. I'm trying to lighten up my mood. But yeah, bye.

(First Name)'

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