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hello friends

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hello friends.

it appears we've reached a crossroads or a glitch in the matrix.

I wrote myself into a corner with the original fic. It did not have a clear ending in sight. It was unedited. It was not as in depth as I wanted.

And I knew I could do better.

So I did.

I wanted to post this at a later time, but with life events happening, I figured I would give you all something.

Now, I know many of you love the original version. And might have some mixed feelings toward the new story I've crafted.

But I think you'll like it.

And I hope you understand.

For those that are waiting for an update on the original fic, I apologize. Once this rewrite is finished in its entirety, I am hoping to work on the old one.

I've learned a lot in these past couple of months and I hope you enjoy this new version that I've spent time on.


The romance is also slower.

I'm keeping the original up for those that like it more. I am not going to keep promises for updates, however. I've felt a lot of mixed emotions releasing this, but since I like it more, I figured my readers would too.

With my roommate and best friend in the hospital, I've been using writing as a coping mechanism. And this rewrite has helped immensely.

Enjoy the ride.

I apologize I did not finish the old version before starting this. To be perfectly honest, I had no clear story in mind and I was an inexperienced writer. With some plotting reworks and characterization improvements, I hope that this is up to snuff.

Much love to you all, it's a rocky time for everyone and I hope you're not too upset/sad about this. I've been worried about it (majorly for that reason) because I've seen how much you all have enjoyed the story.

If you choose not to read, I understand. For those that have read the original, there's a lot of changes and they're starting after the latest chapter.

So I hope you enjoy this one too.

Thank you for all the support. It has not gone unnoticed. And I love you all. More than I can even say.



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