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When Yongsun woke up, the room was dark, except for a dim light coming from the lamp on Wheein's bedside table. She looked at the bed and saw that Wheein was laying there reading the same book she had been reading earlier. Her brow was furrowed. Either the book was hard to read or something she didn't like happened. Or maybe it's a sex scene, who knows?

Yongsun's head was aching and her throat felt dry.

"Wheein-ah" She tried. Her voice was hoarse due to her dehydration. She's astonished at how Wheein's neck didn't break at how fast her head turned towards her.

"Unnie!" Wheein stood up, leaving her book behind on the bed, before coming to sit next to Yongsun. "How are you feeling?"

"Tired." She answered truthfully. "My head hurts and I'm thirsty." Yongsun tried to stand up to get herself some water, but Wheein didn't allow her.

"I'm not sure if you're supposed to be up yet, unnie, I'll get you some water and call the nurse. Stay put."

"I don't need you to, I'm fine" Yongsun was stubborn. She sat up. Wheein placed a hand on her shoulder gently, but forcefully enough to keep her front moving further.

"Yongsun, you need to rest. It's okay to have other people help you sometimes." Wheein reassured. She didn't move from the bed, in fear that Yongsun would try to force herself to stand up again.

"I know, but I don't need help."

Wheein sighed and stood up from the bed. Yongsun sure was stubborn. Wheein didn't leave her side as she stood up, and she was glad she made that decision because once Yongsun had both feet on the ground and tried to raise herself up, her legs gave in and she would've face planted the floor, if it wasn't for Wheein holding her up. Yongsun's face was flushed from embarrassment as she stood up and straightened her clothes.

"I'm sorry." She said, her embarrassment making her use her quiet voice again.

"You have nothing to be sorry about. You okay now?" Wheein asked. When Yongsun nodded, Wheein gave her some space and resumed her reading, not before pressing the button to call the nurse. When Yongsun came back from the bathroom with a cup of tap water, Dahee peeked in, having seen Wheein's call. She smiled concernedly at Yongsun, who stopped mid sip to look at her, eyes wide. She wasn't expecting a familiar but still unfamiliar face to appear out of nowhere.

"Oh Yongsun, you're awake!" Dahee exclaimed as she entered the room, with a small plastic cup. "I figured that's why Wheein called, so here's some aspirin, I know your head must be hurting." Yongsun nodded thankfully as she took the plastic cup from Dahee.

Everyone saw you at the cafeteria. Yongsun imagined Dahee saying. You looked like a real freak, there. You came here thinking you would recover? Please, you know it was just an excuse to give your parents a long vacation from your bullshit.

She shook her head and the thoughts away as tears prickled her eyes. Yongsun knew none of that was true. Why did she let herself get affected by it? Dahee was a nurse, she would never say something like that, right? Even if she didn't like Yongsun, she wouldn't do that. She was a professional!...right?

"Yongsun unnie, are you okay?" Wheein asked from her bed. Yongsun nodded while quickly downing the aspiring and the rest of the water. Her stomach grumbled and she blushed, ashamed of the loud noise in the otherwise quiet room.

"Don't worry about it, I'm hungry too." Dahee said. "I think it's time we go have dinner, yes?" She asked. Yongsun looked at the clock that hung above the door. It was only 6:30pm. "For now, your dinner time is a little bit earlier." Dahee explained. "I'll come get you when it's time for dinner. Wheein, you're welcome to join us if you want to." She suggested. Then, smirking slightly (unbeknownst to the smaller girl, but not going unnoticed by Yongsun), she continued. "Hyejin also has dinner at 6:30."

Everything A Smile Hides || A Mamamoo AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora