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Yongsun woke up with the alarm blaring on Wheein's beside table. Not realizing where she was, she groaned loudly and pulled the covers over her head.

"Mom, five more minutes!" She whined. Wheein, who was sitting on her bed stretching, having just woken up, chuckled.

"I'm not your mom, but I guess I can let you sleep five more minutes before we go." She replied. It was 6:55am, which gave them roughly half an hour to get ready for the day before their 7:30 breakfast, thirty minutes earlier than everyone else.

Yongsun was grateful the hospital was giving her such luxuries, but she knew it wouldn't last long. Soon they would start to make her get out of her comfort zone and force herself to do things. But she knew she wasn't here on vacation, it was going to be hard.

Yongsun realized where she was as soon as Wheein's voice reached her ears. Her face turned red before she even opened her eyes to look at the small brunette.

"I-I'm sorry." Yongsun said quietly. "I was a bit disoriented... I'm so sorry." She apologized once again. Wheein furrowed her brows.

"What are you apologizing for? It's okay, it's normal!" Wheein assured. Yongsun nodded and sat on the bed with her feet on the floor, yawning.

"Did you sleep okay?" Wheein asked.

"Yes. The matress is really comfortable." Yongsun replied, bouncing slightly on the bed to prove her point. Wheein smiled softly at that. Yongsun was shy and didn't talk much, but anyone could tell she was a big dork. She found it amusing.

It was just like Hyejin! When she got here, everyone was scared of her because she looked terrifying, never smiling and glaring at everyone. But once Wheein started talking to her more, she realized the girl had a soft heart, and that all of the pain she had felt in the past caused her to build walls around everyone. Wheein was still trying to tear those gigantic walls down, but she would get there.

Wheein noticed she had been lost in thought when Yongsun called her name for the second time.

"Sorry, I spaced out." She chuckled, standing up. "I'm going to get dressed in the bathroom, so feel free to get dressed as well!" She said cheerfully, like she always spoke.

Yongsun wondered once again what was Wheein really doing there. She understood that not everyone who was in there was like Byulyi or Hyejin, but it really didn't seem like Wheein had any problems! Yongsun also knew it would be pretty insensitive and impolite to ask, so she figured she would find out one day.

Yong headed to her dresser, taking a look at the clothes she had brought, and realizing she had no idea what was appropriate to wear. She thought back to everyone she had seen the previous day. What were they wearing? Wheein was wearing sweatpants and a sweatshirt, while Hyejin wore skinny jeans and a t-shirt. Byulyi wore large black pants with an oversized sweatshirt... She got nothing, everyone wore different things. Different was bad, different meant standing out, standing out meant judging. She didn't want to be judged. Everyone's eyes on her like in the cafeteria the previous day. She couldn't. She wouldn't.

Wheein eventually got out of the bathroom dressed in jeans and a sweatshirt. Noticing that Yongsun was still wearing her pajamas, and that she was gripping one of her dresser's drawers tightly, unmoving except for the slight trembling in her hands, she approached her carefully.

"Yong?" She called softly. When she saw Yongsun's face, her heart softened. The older girl had her eyes shut tight, and her nose was scrunched up, as if she was concentrating on something. It would have been an adorable sight, hadn't Wheein been so worried about her. "You okay there, buddy?" She asked, touching her arm gently.

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