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Mr. and Mrs. Kim had made sure that Yongsun was comfortable with her decision. They spent the next day in their daughter's apartment, allowing her to gather everything she needed to take with her.

They watched as their daughter sulked around, packing her suitcase. Mrs. Kim had offered to help, but Yongsun refused. She could do it on her own. She wasn't a baby, she didn't need any help with it.

Mrs. Kim was reluctant, at first, but seeing how this was helping Yongsun be calmer, she let her do her thing. Instead of helping Yongsun, she decided to spend her time with her eldest daughter, since although she was hiding it well for her sister's sake, Yonghee was feeling down because of the whole situation.

Yonghee loved her sister more than anything. When Yongsun was born, Yonghee was only three years old, but she wouldn't rest until her parents finally let her hold her little sister. She was the one who named her and everything! "Yongsun, Yong like me, Sun because she's my sun!".

Throughout the years the two had their falling outs, as every sibling ever, but Yonghee always felt the need to protect little Yong. The girl's innate insecurities always followed her around everywhere she went. Ever since she was a little child, she'd always be a little too worried about what people thought of her. Therefore, it was Yonghee's job to make sure people never said anything bad about her little sister. She had gotten into trouble because of that before.

Now that Yongsun was an adult, living far away from her, Yonghee felt even more worried for her sister. Even though her parents had tried to hide the girl's panic attacks and problems from her, Yonghee eventually caught on. She made sure to call Yongsun everyday, to check up on her.

Yongsun was really grateful to have Yonghee around as well. Although she really disliked being treated differently, it was different when it came to her sister. She loved when big Yong protected her, and it made her feel like she was less of... you know... a weirdo. Though Yongsun never called herself that in front of her sister, or else the older girl would have her head.

Yonghee sat on the couch of Yongsun's apartment. Her gaze landed on her sister, who was hurriedly moving around the house, putting some clothes in the washer, hanging them to dry, doing some leftover dishes, folding underwear. Though her mother seemed to think this was helping her calm down, Yonghee knew better. Yongsun was stressing out on the inside. She was worrying about what everyone back home would think once they found out where she was.

People have always talked about her. The shy little girl who seemed to be afraid of everything and everyone. Yongsun had tried to make friends several times, and though she did have some friends, they would all leave her and her burdensome and frequent panic attacks. They couldn't go to the movies with her, order at a restaurant, take a stroll in the park, hell, they could barely walk around the school! Yongsun decided it was best not to try and have friends. She would be less hurt if she was alone, than if people constantly abandoned her.

Big Yong stood up and made her way towards Yongsun's room, where the younger girl was sat on the bed, organizing her suitcase. She looked up at Yonghee and smiled, although Yonghee could see that her smile didn't quite reach her eyes.

"What's up, unnie?" Yongsun asked while folding a pair of sweatpants. Yonghee sighs, sitting down next to Yongsun and picking up a pair of socks from the giant pile on the bed, folding it. "Hey, stop it! I can do it!" Yongsun protested, reaching a hand out

"I'm aware." Yonghee replied, sticking her tongue out. "But I'm gonna help so you can spend your last night here watching a movie with your family." Yongsun looked down at her hands and reluctantly nodded.

They worked together in silence, packing Yongsun's luggage. Yonghee wished to talk to her sister about everything, but she was scared that touching the subject would trigger something within the younger girl. Nevertheless, she decided she would talk to her after they had finished. Once they had put everything into the suitcase, except for the clothes Yongsun would wear the following day, Yonghee looked at Yongsun, who was on her phone.

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