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Hyejin was shocked. She shouldn't be, she was already aware there was something weird between Byulyi and the nurse, but to suspect is very different from actually confirming it. 

Wheein had gone to the library to allow Yongsun some time to calm down, and Hyejin had waited for Byulyi to come out of Yongsun's room so that she could comfort her. She was aware of Byulyi's feelings for the older girl, and she knew she would be heartbroken by her setback. She waited by the corner, so that she didn't startle her friend. Byul was prone to get defensive whenever someone worried.

She watched as Byulyi left the room, closing the door behind her with a defeated expression. Just as Hyejin was about to step forward to check on her, Dahee came from the other side of the hallway. Hyejin had to admit she was irritated. She thought the last thing Byul needed was for Dahee to come around and probe her to report to her doctor.

She was surprised when Byul practically growled at her and grabbed her hand. She hid behind the wall in order to not get caught by the pair as they made their way to the closet. Her heart was beating fast at the slight scare.

It wasn't that she wanted to spy on Byul for malicious reasons. Hyejin was aware that spying on someone what innately wrong, but she also knew that if she didn't, Byul would never tell her, and Hyejin knew something about Dahee was bothering Byulyi. She had known it for a while now.

She waited around for while, her feet and lower back already starting to ache, making her have to shift her weight from one foot to another. Each minute that passed was a confirmation of what she thought was happening inside the small room. Twenty minutes lates, just as Hyejin was about to turn and make her way to her room, the closet door opened, and out came Dahee, still fixing her skirt, her hair disheveled, her cheeks rosy.

Hyejin's jaw dropped as she watched Dahee go in the same direction she had come from twenty minutes before, and her eyes moved back to the door as Byulyi came out.

Hyejin barely distinguished Byulyi's guilty and pained expression as the purple-haired girl forced herself into a blank expression. She started making her way towards her room, when Hyejin quickly rounded the corner in order to catch her.

Byulyi looked surprised to see her, but nothing in her expression resembled guilt. It was as if she knew Hyejin couldn't possibly have seen what had just happened.

"We need to talk." Hyejin said, getting straight to the point before Byulyi had the chance to greet her. Now, Byulyi's features morphed slightly into fear of being caught, and Hyejin had noticed it, even though Byulyi had managed to hide it almost immediately.

"Sure." Byulyi replied, as casually as she could, and took her keycard out of her pocket, unlocking her door. 

She swung the door open, showing her slightly messy room. Her bed was still unmade, there was a pair of black and white Jordan's on the ground, and the blinds where almost fully closed. Byul walked up to the window, which was on the opposite wall to the door, and kicked one shoe out of her way as she did so. She opened the blinds, and the room was flooded with light. Now, the posters on the wall were visible to the both of them. Byulyi's favourite movie posters were lazily taped to the wall, from Pulp Fiction to Shawshank Redemption, all the great masterpieces were present in that wall. 

"So..." Byul started, kicking the Jordan's aside, pulling the covers over her bed, leaving her pajamas under them and flopping down on her back as casually as she could muster. "What is it that you wanted to talk about?" She asked, picking at her nails.

Hyejin sat on the other bed, facing Byulyi with her legs crossed. She decided to cut straight to the chase, leaving Byulyi no room for excuses.

"I want you to explain to me why I just watched a very flustered Lee Dahee leave a broom closet right before you, fixing her skirt." She said, resting her elbow on her knee, and her chin on her hand as she gauged Byulyi's reaction. And she was only sorry she didn't have a camera to capture the way Byulyi's eyes widened. The older girl sat up so quickly, she started to see black spots around her eyes.

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