Susie X Sassy!Reader "What did you do now?"

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Au: Deltarune
Type: Fluff with small hint of romance.
Requested by: Idk_bro_101
Notes: This is technically an ingured Susie x reader but shh. Also the reader is kinda sassy (Or however it's spelled.)

"Mmmhmm, what happened this time around?" You asked over the phone.

You had just got a phone call from Susie, at this point, you were her alt to a hospital. Sometimes she'd hurt herself and call you to ask for help, you weren't really a medical expert, you just kept putting bandages on her and it seemed to work. "Well, don't laugh but it was free ham sandwich day, I got banned years ago, and I did what I needed to get one, point is, on the way out, my great escape, I tripped and hurt my forehead."

"Meh, you've done worse." You said. "Hey! Don't make fun of me!" Susie said to you. "Alright, sure will." You said sarcasticly. "Yeah yeah, I'll be over in a sec." "Alright then" Susie hung up and you were left waiting for her.

*Ding Dong* That must be her, or the postman, who comes at really inconvenient times. You walked up to the door and opened it. To your 'Delight' it was Susie. "Oh, it's you." "Hell yeah it's me. Now let me inside!" Susie demanded. You took a quick look at her forehead. It was very odd to faceplant in such a way your forehead gets injured, but whatever. "Yeah, come on in." You said. You and Susie walked through your house and to your Kitchen.

You sat her down on a stool and got your bandages. "In my expert medical opinion I think I'll slap more of these things on you." You said. "Okay, just get it done with." She said. You got a bandage the appropriate size and prepared to tie it around her head. Inorder to do so you needed to get pretty close to her face. You didn't really care, you were just making sure you did it right.

What you didn't notice was that Susie blushed a little. You finished tieing it and that was that. "Aaand there! You should be all set." You told her. "Um, thanks........ So, should I leave now?" She asked. "If you want to stay afterwards then you should try the hospital, they'd let you stay 4 hours after surgery." You said smugly. "Why DO you want to stay any way?"

"Well," Susie stood there for a while thinking of an excuse. "What if I'm walking but I look up at the sun and lose my vision and trip again?"  Susie said. "Oh no! How terrible." You said sarcasticly. "But okay. You can stay for a while." It hadn't struck you yet why she wanted to stay, but you thought nothing bad could happen.

You ended up watching a whole TV show and a documentary about ants, ants are cool. Another thing you only realised now, she had stayed 6 hours. "Welp Geez, would you look at the time! You'd best be going." "Oh, okay." Susie said almost a little sad. "Just one thing though." She said. You looked over at her. "Yea, what is it?' You asked with a hint of curiosity. You all of a sudden felt Susies lips press against yours. In that second, a million things went through your head.

At first you thought that she was going to bite your face off. Then you realised she wanted to stay because she liked you. You had never really given romance a thought, but now, you realised what it was.

You kissed her back and oddly felt at peace. A couple seconds later she parted and said "Well, I've gotta go! Bye!" She said while leaving. She said it kinda smugly, as if she knew how you felt about it. You just sat there in shock for a second before you heard the door shut behind her. Even then you just kinda stayed silent. You really never gave love a second thought, but now, you felt as if Susie was the one for you. It's amazing how things can change so fast.

Well, that was definitely one for the diary. There was gonna be SOME questions when you see her at school again. And, even though you didn't know for sure yet, Susie definitely thought the same about you.

You were quite happy to finally find love, as was Susie.

Tommorow shall be quite the day.

(Behold! My slightly rushed creation! I hope the guy who requested likes it though. Anyway, request are still open, so that's always nice. So keep that light shinning in your soul!❤)

Ah yes, word I must put
Words: 779

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