Grillby X FireMonster!Reader "Warm Food and Warm Love"

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Au: Undertale
Type: Fluff
Requested by: @Blue_Ryuu17 :)
Notes: Frisk and Grillby will be able to talk. You can imagine your design however you like.

Y/N had just moved in to Snowdin. They were a Fire Monster that had just moved in from Hotland. The only reason they had moved to Snowdin anyways was just to have a little change. Admittedly, it wasn't really optimal for you, but it was still quite nice.

After you had moved in to your new home you decided you would walk around the town to see what all was there. You soon found out that the rumours about the Library sign being spelled wrong were true. It was kinda funny though. Eventually you found a place called "Grillbys" You assumed it was a bar or something but still, you decided to have a little look inside.

When you walked in you immediately noticed that up at the bar stools was a human. You heard myths that a human had fallen down last week and had befriended the Underground. You had nothing against humans. But you found it odd that everyone settled in with the idea so quickly. You saw the human give you a wave and say "Hi, what's your name? I haven't seen you around before."

You approached them and told them "My name's Y/N, how 'bout you?" "I'm Frisk." "i'm sans." You didn't notice at first, but on the seat to Frisks left was a skeleton who had just introduced himself as Sans. "Hi guys, um, I'm just new in town. Can you give me any, well, advice?" You akwardly asked. "well, there ain't much to it, the locals are nice, theirs a great spaghetti maker and plenty of hospitality." Sans answered.

"Hey, why don't you take a seat." Frisk said while patting the seat next to them. You happily sat down on the stool. "So, who runs this place?" You asked. "it's a fella called grillby, as the name implies." Sans imformed you. As if on cue, the door behind the counter swung open, and out emerged who you assumed was Grillby. He appeared to be a Fire Monster, like you. It's quite welcoming to see someone like you.

You didn't know why. But you had a feeling that things were about to get... "Intresting."

(Grillbys P.O.V)

I walked out of the kitchen with table number twos order. I saw my usual customer Sans along with the human and... I saw another Fire Monster, like I was. Living in Snowdin you don't see a lot of those. I stopped a moment and looked into their eyes, they were quite pretty.

I snapped back into reality when Sans said "grillbz?" "Oh, uh yes. Table Number Two!" I yelled out into the establishment. A dog came up to take the order. "Anything you'd be wanting?" Grillby asked Sans. "um, gimme a second." He replied. "hey, y/n, anything you want? it's on the house, well, it's on the tab." He asked the new customers. So appearantly Y/N was their name. It was a nice name. "Oh um, I'm fine! Really, I can pay myself." Y/N said. Their voice was one of an angels. They continued to argue for a while before Y/N gave in and let Sans pay.

(End of P.O.V)

Sans ordered Ketchup on its own, Frisk ordered Chicken Nuggets and you ordered F/F. Grillby walked out back to the kitchen and five minutes later came back with the orders. You took a bite of your F/F, and it was AMAZING! "Hey, Grillby! Tell the Chef their food is top notch quality!" "Oh, actually, I am the chef, I'm the owner and only employe." Grillby said. "You do ALL this by yourself?" You asked in disbelief. "Yes." He simply answered.

"You have all of my respect." You said while holding your hand out for a handshake. "I am honored to have your respect buy I can't really sh-" He stopped halfway through upon remembering you were a Fire Monster. He shoke your hand.

After you all finished your meal you had to leave, to make the finishing touches to your new home. You exchanged goodbyes and with that, you had left.

"Y'know, Grillby, is anything on your mind?" Frisk asked. "No? What do you mean?" He said. "well, i'm fairly certain you've got the 'hots' for a certain someone." Sans said.

"W-well, I mean." Grillby didn't know what to say. "Nevermind it now, it's obvious that you like them, and I'm Determined to help you with that." Frisk told him.

Frisk spent the better part of the day giving Grillby flirting advice.
Y/N kept eating out at Grillbys, almost daily Infact. Grillby very much enjoyed your company, and admittedly, over time you had gotten some feelings for him. Today however, you had ben having a bad time. All it was was work piling up because your work place kinda sucked. You were 'Burnt Out' from it all.

You went to Grillbys anyway just to take your mind off it. You walked and sat on Bar Stool you normally sit on. A minute or two later the kitchen door swung open and out came Grillby. He waved at you. "Table Number 5!" He yelled. A Woshua came up and took the order. "Hey, you alright Y/N?" He asked. He noticed you looked kinda down. "Yeah, I'm fine, I just got through a ton of work y'know." You told him. "I just kinda feel like I'm just a tool, someone to do all of the paperwork for them." "Well, I'm not to great with words and stuff, but you'll get through it eventually, if you need anything I'll be here for you." He said. "Thanks, I needed that."

Grillby looked around bar really quick and then turned back to you. "And, while I'm on that topic, do you think y-you'd like to be m-m--my-" His nervous stuttering was cut off by you. "Your Girl/Boyfriend." You asked excitedly. "Well, I suppose there is no point in hiding it. I do have deeper feelings for you." He admitted. "ME TOO!" You squealed. You jumped over the counter and hugged him. He nearly fell over as he wasn't expecting it. "I love you!" You yelled loud enough for the whole bar to hear.

Everyone looked over at the two of you. "I love you aswell." Grillby said. The bar erupted into clapping. You and Grillby really felt happy with each other.

Some people had missed what happened and didn't know why everyone was clapping, but soon joined in.

You felt that life was about to get a whole lot better for you and Grillby, and you couldn't wait to start whatever the next chapter of your life had in store.

(Le end)
Words: 1142

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