Grillby X Reader "Hospitality"

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It's been awhile I hope I'm not too rusty lol

Grillby X Reader
Can be read as platonic or romantic
Requested By Castiel_xx
ace on the surface after they've all been freed btw :)

"And maybe you should come back when you've got- oh I don't know, a job? A source of income!?"

Your landlord had just kicked you out, you were struggling to keep up with rent due to personal reasons, and he wasn't the friendliest guy in the first place.
So now, you found yourself just wandering about, looking for a place to stay for the night, you were tired and (of no fault of your own) ready to pass out at any minute.

Amidst all the fog there was that night, you saw a faint glow in the distance, an orange haze in the blur of the mist. You had been wandering long enough not to care anymore, so you just pushed open the door of the place, not being aware of yourself enough to avoid tripping on the welcome carpet that had been laid out infront on the door.



You woke up on a stool, leaning against the wall, feeling something cold against your skin, yet for some reason a very warm atmosphere. You opened your eyes slowly adjusting to the light in the room. You saw that it was a glass of water being put into your hand, you looked up to see who had given it to you only to be met by the sight of a seemingly flaming man? You didn't really understand what was happening, you dropped the water on the floor out of fear breaking the glass.
You took a glance around both sides if you, you were in a kitchen of some sort, pretty cozy looking too. You saw a fire extinguisher on your right and quickly stood up and took it off the wall.

You never used one before and didn't really know how so you just started trying to turn it on in some way, while you were trying the man was violently shaking his hands and head no, while stepping away.
"Hold on a second" He said in a paniced time.
"DUDE YOU'RE ON FI- ohhhhh right." You said, suddenly remembering the whole "species freed from under a mountain" deal on the news last month.
You'd never seen a monster in person so it was kinda an exciting experience.

"Hey you're one of those uh monsters right? I've never met any of you guys before, Hi!" You said putting the fire extinguisher back on the wall, you saw the broken glass in the floor leaking out.
"Oh and sorry about your glass, i-i can pay you back for it whenever-"
"It's alright." He said.

It was awkardly silent for a bit.
"..... Soooooo...... What's your name? And sorry about all that stuff there man."
"No. It's quite alright. My name is Grillby. And you?"
"Well uh thanks then. I'm Y/N." You glanced down to the broken glass once more.
"Really though it's just a glass. I can pay for it soon I'm just kinda out of a job right now and-"
"You could work here." He said, in a seemingly hopeful voice.
"Oh, really? That'd be nice! But hey what actually is this place though?" You asked.
"It's a bar, but our returning patrons are very nice, or they cause no trouble at least." He told you.
"Oh alright, so just, pouring drinks and stuff like cleaning and that? I could do that." And just like that, boom, new job.

The place was going to close in a little under 2 hours and there weren't many people there anyways. You found everything fairly easy to do. Take an order, go to the back, pour it into a glass, take it back and put the money in the register. The register was a bit hard to use at first, you didn't really know what buttons did what, but Grillby showed you.
It was kinda embarrassing being taught how to use the register during working hours but there weren't that many people in anyways. And besides, even if it sounds a tad creepy he kinda smelled nice, which you thought to be very strange for a guy made of fire, but you guessed it was that "monster magic" stuff people had been talking about.
On that note, later on when you had been cleaning out a glass at the same sink as him, you had accidentally touched his hand while going to tune the tap on, but it didn't hurt or burn you, it just felt like a normal hand if not on the warmer side. Strange, but you didn't ask about it incase he'd find it offensive or something.
Around an hour was left to closing now and while in the backroom searching for a certain bottle, Grillby tapped your shoulder.
"Yeah?" You asked.
"Sorry if this is blunt it something. But what was that a about when you came in today?" He asked.
"Oh sorry about nearly killing you with that fire extinguisher thing I just-"
'No. I mean when you came in like that. Is everything okay or..?"
You had almost forget about the whole housing situation you were going through.
"Yeah, uh see I was kinda a bit tired and I may or may not of just been thrown out for not making rent just a few hours ago." You told him awakwardly.
"... So that's why you needed the job then right?"
"Yeah, hopefully I'll be able to get back on my feet soon."
"Aw, I'm sorry to hear that...maybe, just so save some money while you're getting up and running again you could stay with me." He offered you.

You thought about it for a brief moment and told him "Really? That'd be so kind of you!" You'd never expect someone to offer something like that to you, you were very grateful for their hospitality.
And so whenever closing time came and you'd put all the stools up together, you walked down the cold street to Grillbys home. It was pretty cold out but walking side by side with Grillby was making you pretty warm anyways so all was cool.
His house was pretty modest, probably someone who likes to be at work more than at home, he did seem to take a lot of pride in his bar anyways.
Once you entered he asked you if you'd like anything to drink.
"Oh thank you so much, I'll just have water." You replied. While he went to get said water you looked around his living room. He had a pretty sizeable TV and a comfy looking couch. You also saw a fire place which brought up more fire related questions you didn't feel like asking just yet.
He came back with water and sat down on the couch, patting the space next to him to offer you a seat.
"Really, you can make yourself at home here. Is there any sorry of movie or show you wanna watch?"
You looked to the TV half expecting to see some kinda Monster variant of Netflix, but it was just the regular, human curated Netflix.
Much deliberation was had but you both settled on a movie to watch. You didn't really remember much of it, mainly because you passed out asleep before the opening credits were done.
When you woke it was still dark out, and if the clock in the corner was right it was currently 2AM. You quite obviously couldn't help but notice you had been sleeping practically on Grillby for that entire amount of time.
He actually had his arms around you, like a kid and their plush they won at an arcade. It was a nice feeling, physically, but also just being acknowledged, being able to know someone cares about you. It was nice. It was a very calm feeling. Surprisingly the human reflex of "fire on me bad" hasn't kicked in yet, his arms didn't feel like a fire, just kinda heated, nonetheless it was a very nice experience.
You got the feeling that things were definitely gonna get better for you. They did.
Thanks for reading I hope it was alright:)
1379 Words
Have a good day y'all.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2023 ⏰

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