What I put in the title

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(Attention, this whole fanfic is a pretty bad attempt to make a comedy)

[Insert overly good description of a daily crowded street and good orthography here]

Endeabitch- I mean, Endeavor was quite intrigued, right in front of him there was a half destroyed building with huge marks of claws and burning marks all over the place and some vestiges of ice particles.

Now, the thing is. How the hell the responsible for this mess was even able to also destroy the last floor of the building with 30 floors.



Meanwhile at 1-A classroom, a sleep deprived kid with purple hair was now the new student since mineta died. Everyone was in their places and bakugo may or may not be frozed in his chair after ""accidentally"" throwing a chair at izumi.

Shinso arrived at class together with aizawa who said to him to introduce himself so he now is in front of the whole class, "So...My name is Shinso Hitoshi and my quirk is called brainwashing, basically I can brainwash people.." he stood there, waiting for the usual reaction of when someone hear about his quirk but instead, everyone reacted as if this was something amazing.

Shinso was amazed of how no one said that his quirk is a villainous one or looked at him in disgust, he smirk and sit at his chair in front of Izumi who was eating ice for some reason.

Trying to start a conversation and make his first friend he turned his head around, izumi stopped eating her ice and both her and shinso stare at each other for a while before he sigh, "Yo" he said before turning his head away from her stare.

'Damn that was horrible' he cursed himself for a while and decide to try again.

He took a deep breath.

'I can do this'

When he was about to turn around the door fall on the floor and a overly muscular all might appears shouting something.

'Come on!' Tough a pissed shinso

"Today we are going to do a team battle! So here is your costumes, go change your clothes and then follow aizawa!" With that said all might left the room in a rush.

Le costumes:

Izumi grab the suitcase with her costume and open it, it was a basic Elsa cosplay- wait no, not that. Her costume was a set of white winter gloves, a light blue scarf that covers her neck and shoulders, a white winter coat with black buttons and a pair of black winter boots that could turn into a metal-bladed ice skates.

As for yuri, his cosplay-, wait no, his costume is a black large jacket pretty similar with a bunker gear with bright neon-blue stripes across the arms and stomach-area, and a collar directing outwards. The jackets have buttons in shape of a cross. The costume also consists of gloves and a neck protector. The costume also has a striped trouser, black-coloured turtleneck shirt, buckled at the waist with a belt, and black boots.

After they left the locker room both stare at each other, "Why the heck you look like an anime character?" Izumi said while analysing yuri's costume.

"How the hell am I supposed to know that?!"

After arguing with each other for a while the rest of the students finally arrived and they followed the teacher to a room.

"So, we are going to make a hero vs villain simulation where two of you will be villains and two the heroes. If the heroes run out of time or are all captured the villains win, if the heroes touch the bomb or catch all the villains the heroes win"

So here we are, a bunch of kids cosplaying fighting against more kids cosplaying to decide who will emerge victorious and be the best of the cosplayers.

Bunch of kids fights later and now are the turn of Shinso and Izumi as villains against Yuri and Uraraka as heroes because the autor is too lazy and no one cares about the other kids fight. It will just ocupy space.

"The villains will have five minutes to hide the bomb, as long as the bom is inside the building you can hide it whenever you like" say all might with no idea of the destruction both team will make.

The villain team enters the bulding caring the giant bomb which for some reason is not heavy. Realizing that they are finally alone shinso decide to finally talk to her and try to make a friend.

He look at her, she look back, both stare at each other, Izumi eat a cube of ice, shinso sighs and finally find something to talk about.

"So...Izumi right?"

"Yes, and you are shinso right?"

"Yap. So, what's your relationship with yuri? I notice that you two stay at each other side quite a lot" shinso don't even knew what the hell he was doing anymore.

"We are not dating if that's what you think, we are just siblings"

"So you guys are twins?"

"More like nonueplets..."

"I see...wait what?"

"I have more 8 siblings"


Both of them stay in a complete silence for a while before they finally find something to talk about, they just started to talk about aizawa's scarf since both of them didn't knew how that worked.

In the end they decided that it was a magical scarf and put the bomb at the last floor.

Meanwhile at the front door of the building:

Yuri grabbed a cigarette and started smoking while waiting, "those things are gonna kill you one day ya know" Uraraka said while trying to memorize the map of the building.

"My sis say that every time"

"Is that so...wait you have a sister?" Uraraka turned his attention to the boy with overly shining eyes.

"Uhm, yes? It's Izumi"

"What the- you guys are siblings?!"

"You never realized that?"

"No! Everyone tough that you guys were a couple or something"

"What?! Ew! No! This is illegal! And even if she wasn't my sister, I wouldn't do that"

"Holly shit! So you guys are twins or just blood related?

"Pft it's more like nonuplets, we were born at the same day at the same time so.."

"Eh?...how is that even possible?! You have more eight brothers?!

"If I remember correctly, in total we are five males and four females"

"Holly shit!"

Before they could continue talking all might screamed in the microphone that the time for preparations are already over.

So now the cosplay battle will begin.

Meanwhile aizawa watched the news about the crescenting rate of people dying for a anvil falling on their heads.

"What the hell?" That was his reaction to the news.

Continue at the next chapter.

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