Ice and Fire go pretty well together

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Genuine music you got right there

It was finally the first day of school, Izumi and Yuri has finally managed to arrive at UA after getting lost five times and picking the wrong train two times. Since they joined the school as transfer students they would have to wait the teacher call them for they enter the classroom.

And with that they were now waiting in front of 1-A overly giant door, Yuri trying to don't get his shoes dirty my the slightly melted floor while Izumi was trying to don't freeze the floor.

In the end they had to keep close to themselves for don't destroy the floor since they anulated each other's temperatures.

"Damn, We really need to adjust this power to match the local temperature fast, I'm almost losing my shoes here"

"I told you for us to wait a week before we go to school but no, you wanted to make good impressions"

He grabbed a cigarette, "Good impressions are important ya know" he was about to start smoking when they hear their names being called.

"Damn, I couldn't even smoke this.." He walked inside avoiding the melted part of the floor and put the cigarette on his pocket.

"Those things will kill you one day" Izumi goes inside right after Yuri, with that they meet a overly sleep deprived man drinking a coffee

"Damn, those eyebags almost surpass Suri" Yuri commented to Izumi ignoring the teacher and students glares.

"I know right, that girl almost never sleep" Izumi answered and they began a conversation about a girl named Suri completely ignoring the other's peoples presence until the super sleep deprived teacher interrupt their conversation.

"As I was saying, My name is shota aizawa and this are our new exchange students that will stay with us for a while, could you please apresent yourselves?....why it's so cold in there?.."

With that both of them stopped talking and looked at aizawa, the two switched placed with made Aikawa starting to feel hot instead of cold.

"ok, who goes first, me or you?"


"Alright" He looked at the class, "uhm....wait how am I supposed to apresent mysef" He said looking at Izumi that was eating ice.

"How am I supposed to know that?" She said and returned to eat her ice.

It wasn't his fault, they had stayed isolated of humanity their entire life and only talked to each other and seven other peoples that also was in the same situation as them, how are they supposed to know how to speak with other peoples.

"*sigh* Just say your name, your age and your quirk" Aizawa said really tired.

"Oh, is that so? Well...My name is Saski Yuri I have...16 years(?) And my quirk...well basically I can control a really advanced version of fire"

"My name is Midoriya Izumi. I have 16 years old. And. I can control an advanced version of Ice."

With that both walked to a pair of desks near each other and sited there just to stand again when the teacher throwed uniforms for each student and said for them to change clothes to this one because they were going to make a physical test.

Arriving at the bathroom or locker room or whatever name that is called, they tried to change clothes together but it seemed that each gender has it own bathroom/locker room/whatever so they separated themselves.

In the boys side it was incredible hot with may or may not have melted a floor and a bench there and in the girls side it was incredible cold.

The boys noticed some permanent burn marks from ages ago in yuri's body, they asked what happened but he just answered that he tried to cook something and it ended up in that way.

And the girls noticed permanent Ice burn marks from years ago still visible on izumi's incredible pale skin they too asked what happened but just like Yuri, she just answered as if avoiding the subject.

Arriving at the training ground, aizawa said that they were going to make something similar to a physical evaluation using their quirks, everyone thinked it was funny until the moment aizawa said that the last place will be expelled.

50-meters dash

Izumi stood in first place with 2.04 seconds after using a wave of ice to arrive at the end.

Yuri stood in second with 2.05 seconds after putting himself on fire and flying like a rocket.

Standing long jump

Izumi just made a ice bridge and cross it ending at the end of the sandbox

Yuri just flied over it using his fire and landed at the end of the sandbox

Repeated side steps

Izumi somehow scored first after freezing the floor she was stepping in and just letting the ice do the work.

Yuri scored second after using the flames on his feet and just moving around.

Grip strength

Both Yuri and Izumi got an unknown record after Izumi ending up freezing the device to the point of it stopping working and Yuri just melted it.

Ball throw

And then the ball throw, Izumi throwed the ball and a huge pillar of ice hit the ball and keep growing until she got a infinity, after that the ice pillar just turned into snow and disappeared.

As for yuri, he managed to not melt the ball throwing it like a reverse meteor and also scoring infinity.

Aizawa never saw those balls again.

In the end Izumi stood in first place, Yuri in second, a person named todoroki shoto in third, a girl with huge breasts at almost the same size as izumi's stood in fourth and with that a blond kid stood in fifth.

In the end the kid just dashed towards Izumi and Yuri with a huge killer intent because why not, surely not a bad idea.

He ended up having his entire body with the exception of his head frozen.

He tried to destroy the ice but he didn't even make a scratch on it.

"Oi bakugo stop it" a certain spiked red haired kid with sharp teeths said.

In the end bakugo just gave up and keep cursing those two exchange students until he arrived at home.

As for Yuri and Izumi, they sucefully managed to avoid any kid trying to speak with them.

Also, a certain purple haired kid was expelled and a anvil fallen on his head killed him.

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