"Star said you wanted to spend some time together?" David asked, looking towards me waiting for an answer.

"Ummm yeah, if you don't have plans" It would be a lie to say David didn't scare me, there was something about the way he carried himself that screamed don't mess with me or else.

"Be back here by 12" he said clearly, giving us a yes to go off.

Before I could walk away with Star, Marko caught my hand and pulled me back over to him.

"Can we talk tonight without everyone else"

"Sure, now have fun with the boys we're off to have some girl time" I gave him a smile before returning to Star's side and disappearing into the crowd.

We wandered around the boardwalk looking for something to do, the crowds of people parting for us making sure not to bump into us. Something told me this was because of the boys and they knew Star was David's. Then I saw the most perfect shop here, the clothing shop, tapping Star's arm. I pointed over to the shop and she smiled making our way over. The shop wasn't huge but it wasn't the smallest shop on the boardwalk. It was filled with rails of so many clothes all different in their own way, you see this was a thrift shop and anyone that knew me knew my love for vintage and different. 

As we dug through the rails we came across many bits of clothing that then became part of a fashion show for Star and me. We took it in turns trying on different outfits until we came across just a handful that made the cut, walking to the counter we paid for the goods and continued onto the boardwalk.

"I actually can't remember the last time I went shopping" Star laughed all giddy.

"Wait don't the boys ever take you to buy stuff" she shook her head, yikes I thought I had it bad.

"Well as long as I'm around you will always have a shopping companion" this made her smile the thought of someone else around must be nice.

"Right what should we do next?" I asked the taller girl, letting her take charge of our next adventure. Looking around her eyes scanned the boardwalk until her attention came back to me.

"Fancy getting a drink? I haven't been to a bar in so long" how could I say no to her, of course I wanted to get drunk so I let her lead the way.

 Tucked behind a shop was a biker looking bar, it definitely didn't look like Star's scene yet she dragged us up the steps where the doorman stepped aside letting us in. Once in the place we made our way over to a booth and sat down, it wasn't crowded but it certainly wasn't dead.

"What would you like to drink?" I knew she didn't have a lot of money seeing as the boys never handed any over so I didn't mind buying some drinks.

 *Some time later with a very drunk Star and Rose*

The two bottles were practically empty now and we were very very drunk. The one thing about being a vampire or even half was it took a lot more to get us drunk then it did humans.

"Wait so you're telling me that you and Marko made the jacket together?" Star slurs her words as she asks me the question.

"You betcha, I can't believe he tells everyone it was just him" I lift the glass to try and get the last little bits at the bottom.

"Urgh men they always lie" she rolled her eyes.

"I know it's like they can't just tell the truth. The best ones are baby I'm not like those other guys or she's just a friend" I rolled my eyes thinking back to the amount of times I've heard that come out of some guy's mouth.

"Nah my best one was, don't worry Star it's just wine" she sighed clearly thinking back to the night she was tricked.

"At least you know who turned you, like the person who did it to me didn't even have the balls to introduce themselves" I could tell it was getting heated, so I motioned for the bar staff to bring two more bottles. Quickly he came over and put the bottles on our table before scurrying off.

Picking up the bottles we both took a big swig before continuing with the talk.

"Star if you could do anything in the world what would it be?"

"Anything?" I nodded, bringing the bottle back to my lips.

"It's going to be depressing but I wish I could go back home. I never regretted leaving home it wasn't the best but I miss my sister and I think about her everyday"

"I know how you feel I would give anything to see my family again but they're all dead now" we sat there in silence for a second until the girl smiled at me and tipped her bottle towards me.

"Here's to having a pretty fucked up life" I laughed. I could toast to that, one giant gulp and we'd already drank half the bottle.

The rest of the night we spent talking and laughing and if we weren't doing that then we were up on the dance floor. The bar staff were nice enough to put our bags behind the bar so we didn't have to leave them. With our third bottle of vodka in our hands we swayed and danced away to the music until a cold set of arms snaked around my waist.

"So this is where the two of you got up to on girls night" Marko's voice whispered in my ear.

"Yep girls night got emotional" I said as I continued to dance grinding with Marko behind me.

"You know it's gone 12"

"I didn't, time flies when you're having fun" I laughed as I spun round so I could see his face but still continued to dance.

 "As much as I would love to keep dancing with you like this we need to head off" letting out a sigh I looked over to Star who was standing with Paul.

For the first time I saw Star completely comfortable around the boys as she tried to stick Paul's hair down giggling when it would spring back up. Paul had taken the bottle from her hand and started drinking what was left off it, which wasn't very much. Walking back over to Star she embraced me in a hug and swayed in time with the music.

"This has been one of the best nights I've had in so long, I don't want it to end" she moaned upset that we were now having to go.

"I know it's shit but we should make a promise to do this at least once a month" I held my pinkie out ready for her to promise.

"A pinkie promise?" she giggled at my actions, instead of pulling back I just lifted it higher and waited for her to do the same.

"Pinkie promises are a foundation of trust for Rose" Marko answered at least he remembered how important they were to me. With that she lifted her pinkie and the promise was made. 

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