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Dream sat on the couch as George paced around his apartment, finishing up packing. Dream stayed three days in the hospital and as soon as he got out they came to George's house so he could pack.

Dream was being a major crybaby and just wanted George's attention.

"Geeeeeeoooorgeeeee!" Dream called out, only to be treated by Cat. "Geeeeorge!" Dream yelled once more. George sighed. "WHAT!" He yelled from his room. George didn't get a response, knowing that Dream wanted him to just go into the room.

"Geeeorge! My back hurts!" George grumbled. "Adjust your brace then!" George turned around and looked down. The Orbit Spark sat on the ground, the screen inside shattered and twitching on the Minecraft menu screen.

George turned the device off and looked at it.

"George I can't reach it!" George was getting a bit annoyed. Putting the device on his bed he walked into the den where Dream was laying on his couch.

"What." George asked, crossing his arms. Dream stuck his arms out. "I want a hug. I miss you." Dream cooed. "Dream I gave you a hug three minutes ago before walking into the room. The door is open. You can see me."

Dream crossed his arms to mimic George. "But I love you and I want a hug." George wanted to say yes but knew it was a trap.

Dream had been wanting to cuddle for the past hour, while George wanted to pack. "Dreeeam." George groaned. "Damnit George give your boyfriend a hug." Dream chuckled at his own words.

George rolled his eyes and walked over. As soon as he was close enough, Dream trapped him in a hug and pulled him down. "George take a nap with me." Dream tries to plead. "Dream I need to finish packing." George groaned a bit, trying to push Dream off him.

"But George my back hurts." "Dream you have a broken back. You promised to rest if they let you leave. You're gonna rest by yourself." George said, finally able to stand up.

Dream gave puppy dog eyes. "I regret asking you to take the mask off." George sighed. Dream had his mask on earlier but began complaining about how stuffy it was. George told him to take it off, but Dream replied with the clip was jammed. That was another trap George fell for.

"Look, Dream. I'll get you an ice pack and you can lay in my room while I finish up in there." Dream seemed satisfied with that answer. George helped Dream get to his room.

Dream had trouble walking due to the fact he could barely support the top half of his body. Dream made sure to use this to his advantage though, leaning on George as they walked.

George brought Dream to his bed and made Dream lay down while he got ice.

The entire fourty seconds George was gone, Dream was complaining. George walked into the room in the middle of Dream holding out a groan just to be annoying.

"I'm tempted to let you suffer, Dream." George said, but gave Dream the ice anyway. He wasn't gonna not give him ice.

Dream finally seemed to go quiet and George got back to packing.

Then George heard his voice and Dream wheezing. "Dream why are you watching our videos?" George laughed a bit. Dream shrugged. "Cause I wanna. This challenge was one of my favorite."

Done Playing Games (DreamNotFound/Geam)Where stories live. Discover now