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George's life had been great. He'd become YouTube famous with his new friends. He had his own house. He had Cat. He had a girlfriend. Everything was perfect.

Then it happened. He and his girlfriend were on a date when she kept checking her phone. George thought nothing much of it.

"Aren't you gonna eat?" He had asked her. She only hummed in response. Her food wasn't touched. George felt weird and didn't finish his food.

That night when they went home she went to sleep on his couch. Sighing, he went to his room and slept. His heart held a nagging feeling something was wrong.

George awoke in a cold sweat and craved a drink for his dry throat. He turned on his bedside lamp, the small decor illuminating the now dimly lit room. He carefully got up, not to disturb Emily on his couch. (his girlfriend is named Emily in this).

A light snorimg came from the furniture and he smiled softly. Until her phone buzzed. He slid across the tile of his open kitchen, using his socks to stay quiet. The phone screen lit up to show a text.

George was about to turn around before he caught a glimpse of the name.

Baby ♥️

George felt his breath catch in his throat and a sharp sting hit his heart. She... She was cheating. George grabbed the phone and saw the text.

Gnight Em~
See you tommorow ♥️

George put the phone down and brought his other hand to his mouth. He clutched his stomach and bit his nails, trying his hardest to hold back his tears. They escaped anyway, feeling like lava with how hot the were.

His face was heating up and his breath was getting shaky. He quickly got his water and went to his room.

What was he supposed to do? What could he do? He shook his head. This can't be happening. Everything was so happy just days ago. He was like a new person.

He picked up his phone and held his thumb over the video call button to a certain person. Dream. He shook his head again. Dream didn't need his problems. Something else nagged a George. Oh yeah. That feeling of hopelessness. That feeling he'll never be good enough.

Emily had given him joy and love and got rid of that feeling. He would tell her everything.

Not anymore.

She didn't need him like he needed her.

That's the problem, thought. He needs someone to help him. His thoughts keep getting worse and worse.

George rolled into his side and pulled the blanket over him. Maybe life was just showing how worthless he was. Soon, a soft purr was heard. George looked up and saw Cat. The gray tabby made himself at home next to George.

Cat needed him. George felt a spark of joy before he extinguished it. Cat was probably the only one who did. Can could do better than him.

George forced himself to sleep.

Clay was woken up when the sun kissed his face as it poked through his curtains. He sat up, yawned, and popped his back. Letting a gentle sigh escape his chapped lips he relaxed his tired muscles.

After his yawn he could taste his morning breath and gagged a bit. Standing up he went and got bread from the cabinet before turning around and spotting his hoodie. He slipped it on for no reason but to have it on and finished his toast.

Seeing the time, he texted his friend.

George, you up?

He out his phone into his pocket and took a bite of toast before taking it to his room. He sat at his bed and finished his toast. Turning on Netflix, he turned on some random show for background noise.

Finally he got an answer.

Yeah? What's up?

Nothing :P just bored

How am I supposed to help? Text Bbh or Sapnap.

We could play Minecraft for the hell of it... Dream just wanted to play Minecraft with Georg, honestly.

Really Dream?

Yeah, c'mon. It's been forever since we talkedd

We talked yesterday Dream.

Dream chuckled to himself.

You always play Minecraft with me tho

Well I'm just not feeling it today... Talk to you later Clay.

Now Clay knew something was up. George always wanted to talk to him and always played minecraft with him.

You okay?

No answer.




Dream sighed and the his phone down. Maybe badboyhalo would wanna play Minecraft. Dream picked up his phone again.

George sighed. He didn't want to talk to anyone right now.

You okay?
I'm here dream...
I'm sorry...

George threw his phone onto his bed when he heard Emily shifting from the couch. He faked a loud yawn and walked into the den. "Morning Em." He said as she smiled at him.

"Morning Georgie." George felt hurt by the nickname she'd give him. Georgie always made his heart flutter when she said it. Now it just hurt.

"Hey Em..." George don't say it... "Yeah?" George couldn't stop the words as they fell from his mouth. "Are you cheating on me?"

Emily stiffened when he spoke. "Did... We're you going through my phone?"

"So you are..."

"Georgie... I-"

"Emily. Please leave."


"Leave." He looked her in the eyes. Emily nodded, stood up, took her things, and left.

George couldn't stop himself as he fell to the floor and cried. This was just a game. Her love was a game. She was playing him, wasn't she? George decided he was done playing games.

But something stabbed his heart and he felt a pain. He felt so alone in that very second. He sat on his knees as he wrapped his arms around himself and cried. He thought he looked stupid and that he was stupid.

Crying on the floor.


This was stupid. His emotions are stupid. He was stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

George went back into his room after feeding Cat. He needed to be alone.

Alone. He felt so alone.

Done Playing Games (DreamNotFound/Geam)Where stories live. Discover now