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George shot up in his spot. He was in darkness. Something was on his face. He needed it off. It needed to come off.

George ripped the thing covering his vision off his head. The device.

George threw the VR device across the room. It hit the wall, smashing into pieces. George was somehow on the ground next the his computer chair.

He looked around, seeing his phone.

He thanked himself for putting it on the charger while he had video called dream.

The call has long sense been cancelled. George checked the date.

"Holy shit." Its been a month and a half real time.

Sapnap (Pandas): 99+ new messages. 50+ missed calls. 50+ new voicemails.

Baddy (BBH): 99+ new messages. 50+ missed calls. 50+ new voicemails.

Mom: 99+ new messages. 50+ missed calls. 50+ new voicemails.

The list went on. His Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube were blown up with notifications.

George shook his head. "Dream!" He yelled out. Quickly, he rang Dream's number.

No answer.

He tried again.




He yelled out. Who could help? Sapnap!

George called Sapnap. He picked up on the first ring. "GEORGE! Everyone thought you were dead!" He yelled. "Sapnap where's Clay?" George asked quickly. "What?" "Where's Clay!" George yelled.

"I dunno. I haven't seen him in a while."

"Sapnap you're his roommate! Go check on him!" "George I'm not home. I've been with ny family for the past two months." George hung up.

Quickly he dialed to police and rang to Dream's home area. Quickly explaining how his friend had been inactive for a month, and was a grown man, the police were quick to tell him they were on his way.

George new something as well. He was also on his way.

George ran to his computer and bought a ticket. He grabbed his phone and rushed into the sitting room.

"Cat!" He called out. Nothing. He checked a text from his mom.

Hey honey! Can is over here again! He's been a blessing and we're watching him until you respond again.

George sighed. There's that. George didn't even pack anything. He hailed a taxi, thankful it was daytime.

George told the man airport and they drove off. George was jumping in the backseat.

The airport ride seemed longer than it was. Once he made it, he threw the man some money and ran inside. He was checked, looked at weird, and let in.

Then he got a call from the police.

Dream was found in a coma like state in his room, a VR set on his head. George was told he was in the hospital and George thanked them, hanging up.

The plane was set to leave in an hour and George quickly boarded.

This was about to be the worst four to five hours of his life.

George was jumpy and nervous, ignoring people's words or rude comments about how he looked and smelled.

George didn't know he was hungry until the lady came by, offering snacks.

George was confused how he had survived with no food or water for almost two months.

Done Playing Games (DreamNotFound/Geam)Where stories live. Discover now