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Clay just finished filming his new video. Minecraft, But Three People Control One Played. All through it George had seemed so spaced out. Through several cuts out he or Sapnap would ask George if he's okay.

"Hm? Oh yeah. I'm fine just tired is all." Sapnap seemed convinced but Dream saw through it. It's been like this for about a week now. He'd grown more and more distant.

Dream sighed and opened Twitter. Nothing from George in the past week. A few fans tagged some fan art but nothing much more.

After a butt of scrolling, something caught Clay's eye.

A virtual reality system that fully engulfed you into the game. Maybe he and George could test it out. Play some minecraft VR. Dream ordered one, sending it to his address and ordered another, sending it to George.

Hey George... It's been a while a d you've seemed distant so I sent you a gift! Should be there soon. Tryna look out for ya bud.

Dream I'm fine. Just been tired.

Then get some sleep. Your gift should be there soon~

George didn't question it. He just sat in his bed. Why does Dream care. He's been nothing but distant and Dream still tries. He felt a tinge of hope that Clay actually cared but something fought it back.

George felt sick suddenly and rushed to his toilet. He had t eaten that morning yet so the pure acid burned his dry throat. His guts burned and he fell to the cold tiles. Pathetic... He told himself before standing up.

His doorbell rang shortly after the incident.

He opened the door to see a package and a mailman. After signing he brought it inside. It's some sort of VR headset... You hook it up to a PC as far as George could tell. He dug into the instructions to find them in some weird language.

Quickly, he texted Clay.

What the hell is this?

It's a VR headset. You hook it up to your PC and pick a game and it feels like you're in the game. I was thinking we could play some minecraft

VR minecraft?

Yup! You in?

I don't know Dream.

C'mon george... We never do anything together anymore. Just for five minutes to help me figure out controls? Maybe speedrun once?

George smiled softly, knowing dream couldn't see it.


Yes! Let's video call and set it up together.

Dream called seconds after and George answered.

Shortly later they got it set up. George out the headset on. "It says you need to put it on before we start." George said aloud.

He heard plastic clink and the screen went to Minecraft's menu. "Start the game and we can begin. Seems easy so far."

The screen went black and George thought something went wrong and began to panic. But then a small pain began pounding in his head. Was it the headset?

He tried pulling it off only to... Grasp his hair. He blinked a few times, his eyes suddenly being overtaken by a light.

"Dream?" He asked softly. "George?" George closed his eyes and turned his body towards the voice. "Open your eyes man! This looks so real!" Dream said, laughing.

George let his eyes flutter open. He saw Dream in a green hoodie with his mask on. After looking around he realized it all looked so real.

"This can't be Minecraft. Or virtual reality." George said. "One way to find out." Dream crossed his arms. He had regular human anatomy, not blocks. This all looked so amazing...

Suddenly, Dream punched a tree. "Dream?!" Dream shook his hand but then laughed when he saw the piece of oak wood on the ground and the tree floating.

"Yup. We're playing Minecraft. Come punch this tree George!" Dream called out. George nervously walked over and lightly tapped the tree. Nothing happened.

"C'mon George... You gotta." He hit the tree very hard. "PUNCH the tree. Not tap it. It doesn't hurt, I promise." Dream assured. George punched the tree a bit harder. Not feeling pain he opened his eyes. Wood was on the ground! He did it!

George smiled before picking up the wood. It disappeared upon contact. "What?" George asked himself.

"Tap your pocket George. It opens inventory." George did as dream said and it worked! He turned the wood into planks.

"I'll get wood, you get food." George told Dream. "Yes sir mister boss man." Dream looked around, eyes landing on a rather real looking pig.

Dream raised his fist before seeing a baby pig walk from behind the one he raised his fist at. "Aw..." Dream said, reaching out to the pig.

"Dream! Get any food?" George yelled from across the plains biome. "I found some pigs but I don't think I'm comfortable killing it... Maybe there's a village or something..." Dream said, twiddling his thumbs.

George sighed. "You come get wood. I'll get food." Dream walked past George and fluffed his hair. "Dream! What was that for?!" George asked, patting it down. "Sorry. I just wanted to know if it was soft..." Dream chuckled a bit before heading to lunch some trees.

George started at the group of five or so pigs. He raised his fist. It's just code. It's just code. It's just code. He said over and over.

His fist collided with the pig many times before it just turned into a puff of smoke. On the ground sat two, real looking, raw pork chops.

George picked them up and they went into his inventory. He quickly finished off the other pigs, heading back to Dream.

"I've got 13 raw pork." George said. Dream looked at him. "I've got 22 wood. Whick become 88 planks or a stack and 24 planks. "Make some tools so we can cook this food." George said.

Dream was quick to figure out crafting. After showing George, he gave him the stuff to craft his own.

The two made wooden picks and found some flat, rocky areas. After getting 32 lumps of rock. I mean, cobblestone... George made stone tools and a furnace.

George cooked his food and sat atop the furnace as Dream got more wood.

"Okay Dream. I think I'm gonna sign off now." George said. He had a pang in his heart that something was wrong. "Aw Georgeeee. We just started." Dream cooed. George looked away.

He found the button and opened the menu. The exit button. Now just to click it. After pressing the button, George waited. "I think I'm lagging. It won't let me off." George said.

George closed the menu. He walked around a bit. No signs of lag. "Dream say something." "Like what?" His voice was normal. "Okay I'm not lagging... Let me try again." So he did.

And again.

And again.

Nothing happened.

George felt his heart begin to race as his face heated up. "It won't let me log out. Dream help it won't let me log out!" Dream walked over to George. "Here I'll try to log out." Dream pulled up his menu and pressed the button.


George watched as Dream kept pressing the button.


"Dream." George croaked. His voice now sore.

"Yeah George?" Dream tried to hide the panic in his voice.

"Are we stuck?" George asks not wanting to hear the answer but also wanting nothing more than to hear the answer.

"Yeah George." Dream said blankly.

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