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The newly formed couple stood at the edge of the portal. Three of the twelve frames were filled already.

Dream held the eyes in his hand as George watched beside him. The two were finally here. Their ticket out.

Dream put the eyes in the portal, each making a roar as it filled in its place. Dream stepped back with the last one in his hand.

"You ready George?" Dream asked. George nodded. Dream hesitated before sliding the last eye into place. The portal activated and a thundering road sounded, pushing them back a bit.

The two got up and stared into the portal.


"Let's go." George said, clearly trying to not sound scared. Dream grabbed George's hand as the two jumped in together.

The two had weapons, bows and arrows, food, water buckets (after practicing MLG tricks for a good three hours), shields, and blocks.

Dream's vision went black for a few seconds before who's eyes adjusted to the End. The end noises sounded, the static buzzing on Dream's head.

The two spawned under the end stone. "No turning back now George... C'mon." Dream said. George caught his breath and nodded before an ear piercing roar echoed the entire area. The ender dragon.

The roar had rumbled all the way to Dream's stomach. Dream grabbed his pickaxe and dug their way up to the surface. Endermen dotted the land and the twelve towers looked over the ground.

And most importantly, a large beast flew over, letting her road be heard throughout the land.

"George keep water in your hot bar next to food. Shoot the towers over there I'll get over here." Dream spoke quickly and George nodded, aiming his bow.

The two quickly got down six towers in total. The dragon had enough and flew straight towards the closest person. Dream.

Dream saw the dragon coming. He shot one more tower, making it seven down, before lifting his sword and plunging it into the dragon's shoulder as it flew by. The dragon knocked him back, but ot into the air.

Dream screamed out as his back smashed into an obsidian tower.

"Dream?!" George yelled. Dream shook his head and got up, wincing a bit. "I'm fine! Keep shooting the towers!" Dream called out. George nodded and got back to work with his bow.

An explosion sounded as the tower count was down to four left.

Three more towers as Dream shot one through a cage.

Two left as George shot another.

The dragon was already after Dream again. This time, he wasn't so lucky. The dragon used her head to toss Dream into the air. He was able to get his sword up and plunge it into the dragon's cheek. Dream held onto his sword as he was launched high into the air.

He held his water bucket. "C'mon. C'mon. C'mon." Dream mumbled over and over. George didn't dare yell in case to possibly distract Dream. Seconds before the ground.


"YESSS!" Dream yelled out, cheering. "LETS GO!" He jumped up a bit. George yelled out happily and shot the last tower.

"That's all the towers! Get the dragon!" George yelled out. He and Dream rushed her, quickly dropping her health. Dream spat as Drago blood landed on his face.

He hesitated to long and the Drago took notice, turning and swatting dream with her tail.

Dream wasn't so lucky to pull the water bucket.

"DREAM!" George yelled out. "George I've got three hearts! Keep going!" Dream called out. The wind has been knocked from his lungs and his bones all felt crushed. He had been flung into an obsidian tower, the impact only amplified when he hit his head and had called to the hard end stone.

George rushed back as the dragon took flight. He saw Dream still on the ground, this time on his hands and knees, clutching his stomach. George felt scared.

"Dream?!" George yelled, his words more air than noise. He tried to rush over but the dragon beat him to it.

"DREEEAM!" George yelled. Dream was flung by the dragon's tail into another tower before she took to the sky.

Dream yelled out in agony as George rushed over.

Dream lay on his side, gasping for air. George kneeled down and began looking over Dream. "Dream! C'mon Dream stay with me..." Dream took a deep breath. "Wind... Gone... Air..." Dream gasped out.

Dream knew what else was happening. He tapped his pocket and what George saw broke his heart.

Dream had no hearts left. He was dying and it was too late to do anything. Dream closed the inventory and looked back at George, still gasping for air.

"Half health... Finish this George..." Dream gasped, his stomach clenching. Dream's body locked up, the pain becoming too much.

"Dream! I can't do this alone! Stay with me god damnit!" George was trying to not cry. "Not alone... George." Dream grabbed George's hand with the last of his strength.

"I love you..." Dream was able to choke out. "Dream!" George yelled out as Dream's grip left his. Dream's body soon turned into a puff of smoke.

"No! No, no, no... Not now. Please not now..." George heard the dragon roar again.

Dream was gone.

He couldn't be gone.

George didn't let himself cry. He grabbed Dream's diamond sword and rushed towards the dragon, plunging the sword deep into its eye. The Drago tried to throw him off but it only caused the sword to twist.

The dragon cried out and used a claw to get the sword and George away from its eye. George rushed back and kept attacking. Hitting it over and over and over.

So close.

As George was too busy doing his hardest as killing the dragon he hadn't noticed the chat.

Dream earned the achievement: [Going Home]

(And here it begins, Cake. Our stories take separate paths in the End.)

Then he did it. The dragon gave a final roar that shook the land as it's body erupted into purple. The light over took the dragon, causing it to explode.

GeorgeNotFound earned the achievement: [Free the End]

GeorgeNotFound earned the achievement: [Going Home]

MUAH HAHA Cliff hanger and last chapter of the night. There's still a few chapter left guys, stick around ;)

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