IV - Abigail, Gordon and the Poster

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For the pleasure of the reader, whom is likely following this adventure because of their own childhood fascination with The Railway Series or Thomas & Friends, I have written Abigail's tale in the style of one of those books:

Abigail, Gordon and the Poster

Abigail is a diesel who helps out at the dieselworks. She helps run old parts to the big station, where she collects new parts for diesels waiting to be repaired. One day, as she waited at the platform, she overheard an interesting conversation among the steam engines.

"The photographer is sure to want me as their cover engine," Gordon boasted, "It is a train film, after all."

"Excuse me," Abigail joined in, "What's this about a photographer and a film?"

"They're making an exciting action film set on the mainland," Henry explained, "It features train chases, crashes, spies and all sorts."

"I hope they're not crashing real trains," Rosie gasped as she pulled up next to Abigail, "That would hurt."

"They're using small, electric models," Gordon boasted, "'Special effects.' Saves us important engines getting banged up. They want to take photographs of the railways on Sodor to advertise the film. "

"I hope they use the forest," Henry added, "It is stunning this time of year."

"They will want the majesty of my hill. It's grand and shows you the island for miles," Gordon argued.

"Perhaps I could appear on the advert," Abigail asked, "I haven't featured in any books or films yet."

"There's good reason," Gordon huffed, "We've already got enough big green diesels on the island. There's nothing special about you."

"I beg your pardon?" Abigail spluttered.

"No offence," Gordon continued, "But you're not grand or distinctive enough. They call you a baby diesel on the Other Railway for a reason. Haven't they banned your kind from some stations because of your smokiness?"

"Only one station," Abigail scowled, "Perhaps they should ban you for your lack of manners."

"Hah," chuckled Gordon, "I pull the express. I'm the top train, which is why I will be on the poster!"

The stationmaster blew his whistle, and Gordon pulled away with the express.

"Ignore him," Henry replied, "There's nothing wrong with being green."

Abigail sighed.

Perhaps not, but how could a diesel engine compete with the grace of the express?

Her driver revved up her engine, a plume of white smoke billowing out of her roof exhaust, filling up the station canopy as they drew away back towards the dieselworks.

A short while later, Abigail was resting at the dieselworks when her driver got a call from the junction. "It's Gordon," he told her, "He's broken down on his return trip. We need to help finish the journey."

"Gladly," Abigail smiled.

Finally, a chance to pull the express! she thought gaily to herself.

Gordon was not happy when he saw Abigail driving down the line towards him. "Oh, the indignity," he rolled his eyes, "Of all the engines."

"Let's be civil, Gordon," Abigail pulled up, ready to be coupled, "I'll get you to the station in no time." With the couplings set, Abigail began in reverse, hauling Gordon and his heavy coaches back on their way.

When they arrived back at the station, the Fat Controller was waiting to greet them. "I have a special guest here to see you," he said.

"Is it the photographer?" Gordon's face lit up.

"Yes," a tall gentleman with a camera stepped forward, "But I am here to speak to this wonderful diesel."

"Me?" Abigail blinked, "But why?"

"I was waiting on a bridge to capture some video footage of the express, so I had several frames to use for the poster. I saw the white smoke rising from behind a hill from what I assumed was this steam engine's funnel. When the train came round the bend towards me, I wasn't prepared to be deceived and for it to be coming from a diesel engine!"

"Oh," Abigail sighed, "I'm sorry I ruined that for you. My class has a rather smoky exhaust."

"The contrary," the photographer beamed, "It fits perfectly with the spy film, titled 'Deception'. I was certainly deceived into thinking you were a steam engine. It works so well, I'm going to edit the video into the film as the opening sequence, to get the audience on edge and not expecting the expected."

Abigail drew the biggest smile she ever had. She was going to be in the film after all. Gordon stayed quiet.

"Never mind," Abigail smiled at him, "Looks like we'll both be in the film."

"Indeed, and rightfully so," Gordon grinned, "Thank you for helping me. I guess I'm not the top train."

"No," Abigail answered, "There's no top or bottom. Just a railway of really useful engines."

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