XXVII - Teasing Troubles

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This story has been rewritten from notes taken during Percy and Toby's recital (with some objection and clarification from Thomas). It is now stylised like the classic Railway Series. To be told, exactly as they always wanted (except Thomas).

Thomas the Tank Engine enjoyed taking passengers up and down his branch line in his faithful coaches Annie and Clarabel. He often passed Percy, who handled the branch line's freight duties, mainly trucks from the quarry, mine or dairy. Thomas was glad he didn't have to bother with dirty trucks anymore.

I need to stay spic-and-span for my passengers, he'd think to himself as he puffed along. He said as much to Toby one day.

"It doesn't hurt to remain acquainted," the old tram engine said, "Its likely for the better that you do."

"Pah," Thomas shrugged it off, "Trucks don't bother me, so I needn't bother myself with them!"

One morning, Sir TophamHatt came to see him in the sheds. "Percy will be away for a while for some repairs. Please can you cover his freight work in his absence. Daisy can cover your passenger duties, using Annie and Clarabel for extra capacity."

"Yes sir," Thomas agreed.

"Perfect. There are some trucks that need shunting at the mine, and taking down to KnapfordHarbour by four." And The Fat Controller left.

Thomas' firebox simmered, but he was nervous. He hadn't been to the mine since his accident, where he ignored a danger sign and ended up falling into an old mineshaft. As much as he hated the thought, Percy had covered for him when he needed repairs, so he had to return the favour.

This time, Thomas told himself, I will be more vigilant.

Thomas puffed out of the shed, grinning at the thought of Daisy having to pull coaches after previously boasting she'd never need them.

What a sight that would be, oh what a sight.

Thomas arrived at the mines, slowing down as he entered the yard. The trucks were scattered across the sidings, but they watched him suspiciously. "It's that blue engine!" one cried, "The one that fell down the hole!"

The trucks burst into laughter. Thomas grew cross, and biffed the one nearest him. "That's enough of that!"

He began shunting, but every truck he approached mocked or teased him.

"I've never seen a blue mine cart before!"

"The ground shakes as he approaches..."

"If I had a face like that, I'd want to bury it underground too."

Thomas roughened up his shunting, tugging and pushing hard on the trucks as he did. But their teases kept coming. "Careful! Don't cause an earthquake!"

"Be quiet!" Thomas snapped.

With all the trucks in position, he was coupled up, and shunted the train brake-van first out of the yard, starting their journey to the harbour.

As they went along, the trucks decided to sing a silly song.

"~Not all engines can read~"

"~No matter how hard they try~"

"~Best to stay in train school~"

"~Or end up bunker to the sky~"

Thomas grew so cross he thought his safety valve would burst. "That's enough!" he shoved the trucks. Somewhere down the train, brakes slipped on, slowing the trucks as they reached the steep descent by the hay fields.

Then there was trouble.

Thomas gave the trucks a hard shunt, thinking they were playing another trick. Their brakes slipped off again, and with the hard push Thomas had given them, the coupling snapped. The train shot off down the incline, gathering speed. Thomas watched, shocked as he saw his train shooting away, leaving behind the guard who'd been thrown clear from the brake van.

"We've broken away, we've broken away!" cried the trucks.

Thomas raced down the hill after them, but they'd already passed the airfield and were approaching KnapfordHarbour Bridge.

The trucks began to slow as they entered the harbour. The brake-van hit the buffers, smashing through, but the train slowed to a stop just before the end of the harbour's quay.

Thomas raced into the harbour. He saw his train on a siding, now stopped. Hitting his brakes, Thomas tried to slow down, but wet rails let him slide.

It was too late.

Thomas hit the nearest truck, stopping himself. But the shunt was enough to send the brake-van rolling off the end of the quay, pulling several trucks with it. The wagons splashed into the sea, piling up in the water. Thomas blushed as the few trucks left on the siding burst out laughing.

The Fat Controller was not happy when he got to the scene of the accident. "What happened here?" he demanded.

"A coupling snapped on the hill sir," Thomas explained, "The train got away from me."

"The harbour manager said you were chasing them a little too quickly," Sir Topham raised an eyebrow.

"I was trying to chase them down, but my brakes skidded on slippery rails," Thomas admitted.

"Well, I think you've been out of the trucks game for a little too long, Thomas," the Fat Controller looked at him, "Wouldn't you agree?"

"Yes sir."

"I think we should split passenger and freight duties more equally between you engines from now on, so you can learn to tolerate trucks again."

Thomas didn't say, but as much as he didn't like the idea, he had to agree. He'd forgotten how much trucks could tease an engine, and how troublesome they could be.

Once Percy was back, Thomas took the trucks and milk occasionally, learning not to let the teasing bother him. By not reacting, the trucks soon lost their edge over him, and their teasing ceased to be fun for them. With trucks mastered once again, Thomas smiled, now a full master of his own branch line.

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