"Is this change happens because of Professor Wali?" Zainab asked trying hard not to laugh.

He nods while pouting his plump lip.

Aww poor Shaiq! Zainab thinks.

"What are you doing here by the way?" Zainab asks, her face still red from laughing earlier.

"Aunt has asked me to pick you up so that we both can leave for university together," he replies tugging his both hands in his pants pocket.

Shaiq and Zainab are cousins and childhood best friends with Shaiq perhaps a year older than her. He is the son of her mother's sister. They both study in the same university and in the same major- computer engineering. Shaiq is a funny and childlike person. Zainab sometimes loves to tease him like today she has done. The betrayal look on his face is enough for lighting up Zainab's bad mood.

Why her mother has asked Shaiq when she has always gone to university alone? Although her mother had allowed them to stay together most of the time when they were children but now she has forbid Zainab to not show her friendship too often to the society as they have grown up now and people may misinterpret this friendship.

"Okay let's go," she replies.


Zara's POV

I embrace the coat more tightly when tooth rattling and gusty chilly breeze collides with my body. Although I will surely curse myself for using this coat in the future but for now, the spike of the coldness is far more important than the spike of my ego. This area is maybe far from residential and commercial areas that why it is desolate and dark. Sometimes a few vehicles passing every once in a while and adding a little lightening and glow in the deadly and gloomy darkness.

Armaan has turned the flashlight of his phone on. Although he is not walking that fast but I am still not being able to catch up with him thanks to my high heels. I am sure my feet will swell due to this rough walk. And then suddenly a hard and rigid thing comes in contact with my right foot and it twisted to the other side making a loud shriek to leave my mouth. I wince in pain while crouching down on my knees. I must have injured my foot.

"What happens?" Armaan asks me and then I realize he is standing in front of me looking concernedly at me. His eyes drift from my face to my feet when he gets no reply from me. He sighs and shooks his head before squatting down in front of me.

He touches my foot while pointing the flashlight on its direction. He sets it free from the heel.

"It will hurt a little but be patient, okay?" He warns me before twisting it hardly to the other side. I cover my mouth with my hand to stop the coming shriek. It was a sprain and now it gets much better but the pain is still there. Now I really can't walk with heels on. I have to walk naked feet.

"Here!" I look up to find him forwarding his hand towards me. He is offering me his hand? He helps me to correct the sprain. Is he really is okay?

I can't help because it is difficult for me to stand on my own because my legs got freeze so I grab his hand.

"Thanks for your help," I mumbled once I get up.

"It's okay."

A car passes by due to its shimmering headlights and I was able to glance at Armaan. He is smiling at me. Is he for real? Why I can feel this smile is genuine and kind. What has got into him? Why he is acting strangely all of a sudden?

"Can you walk?"

My trains of thought stop again to get more shocked. There is something wrong, I am sure. He is not his usual self tonight. The way he is talking, the way he is looking at me is all different even after what has happened. A person like him who is so concerned about his business is acting like nothing has happened when a big deal has left his side.

"Yes, I am fine," I reply while picking up my heels from the ground.


The cottage is like a well furnished and well facilitated medium-sized camp. Although it is not really comfortable but I find it cute. A baby house should I say! It just has one room and a big hall type area where the kitchen is located on the right side. All the other area is occupied by a small two-seater sofa. It's not really that bad though!

"Shit! I think my phone's battery has died," Armaan says while throwing his phone harshly at the sofa in the front. He starts unbuttoning his shirt frustratingly when my eyes pop out. You are not gonna go shirtless in front of me.

"Stop! What do you think you are doing?" I yell.

He stops what he was doing and looks confusedly at me.

"What?" He asks me puzzled.

And then a loud thumping sound barge in my ear follows by a dreadful shriek. What is it? Another shriek then another! My eyes pop out in fear. Is this any ghost or what? And then a loud roar colloid with my eardrum kicking the small left courage in my heart and in an instant of a second I was holding hard into Armaan's arm. Shit! He first got stiffed at my sudden boldness. And then his body relaxes and his blue eyes examine my dreadful face.

"What the hell is this?" I ask him.

"The roars of the lions," he replies with a straight face like he is telling me a baby cat is meowing.

"Lions? Are you okay? " I yell not realizing I was still holding his arm.

"Yeah, there is a zoo behind this cottage. And the lions have a bad habit, they roar so much, " he tells me with a poker face like it is normal for him.

Zoo! Lions! Who loves to roar! Wow! Just wow!

"You are joking right?" I ask him my eyes barged open. I pull away from him as soon as I realize.

" No, Haven't you just listen to the roar a while ago," he rolls his eyes.

No! Ya Allah! This is scary!

Another roar peirce the brisk wind and before I could understand I was in Armaan's arms. It takes me a few seconds to again realize what blunder have I done and I try to pull away but he grabs my waist and pulls me closer to him. His ocean blue eyes are staring at me. There is a look, an expression on his face which I can't understand. I haven't seen this expression on his face before. There is no mockery, no mischief, and no tease on his face. He traces his index finger on my eyelid and this mere touch left unusual sensations in my whole body. He moves his finger above my lower eyelid when reality hit me.

Assalam O Alaikum everyone! I am back with a new character. Let me know about you like him or not? I will update the cast soon with someone as Shaiq so don't forget to check that out. And this is the last Author's Pov in this book. After that, only character's povs will be there. I just used my pov to introduce the characters. Please don't forget to vote if you like this chapter.

Thank you so much for the support y'all have given so far by reading, voting, and commenting on this book. 💞

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