"To our new house." Gabrielle replied with much expectation until Hwanwoong replied. "Okay."

Gabrielle scoffed. She looked at Hwanwoong with so much annoyance. She took back what she said, that he was easier to get than the previous men. She rubbed her face in frustration.

This was a big waste of time.

So, as a solution, Gabrielle approached Hwanwoong and scooped him in his arms and strode fast through the window and flew up. Her wings sprung out and flapped through the air.

Everything happened so fast for Hwanwoong to comprehend. He screamed as he felt his body being lifted. "Hey, hey! What are you doing!?" His face was full of surprise, all for the reason of being carried by a lady. A lady is carrying him while flying.

He thrashed around Gabrielle's arms. She ignored Hwanwoong's weight. Ravn was heavier than this small man when she attempted to carry him before, but Hwanwoong thrashing on her arms made himself heavier. This time, Gabrielle is really carrying a man while flying.

"Who are you!? Put me down this instant!" Hwanwoong yelled aggressively, still thrashing around. Gabrielle was already starting to have difficulties in flying.

"I said put me down!" At this moment, she was completely fed up with this kid so she stopped flying and let him go. "You asked for it."

Realization hit Hwanwoong. He was falling down. He started to freak out and scream. Strings of curse were flowing out of his mouth. "Help! Help! Someone! Hey!"

Horror and fear were in Hwanwoong's eyes as he sees the ground getting nearer and nearer. "Help! I can't die yet!"

Hwanwoong closed his eyes tightly, bracing for death. He waited for his face to hit the ground but it never came. He slowly opened his eyes and found himself back on the air. He instantly wrapped his arms on Gabrielle's neck as an instinct.

He was breathing heavily while Gabrielle on the other hand, was laughing so hard on the air. "Goodness, you should have seen your face when you fell."

Turns out, before Hwanwoong fell face first on the ground, Gabrielle has caught him in time. She thinks Hwanwoong deserves to get a snap back to reality. It could be considered as a pay back for treating Gabrielle like a nanny and for not paying attention to her.

As Hwanwoong panted, he takes a look at the lady's face. She looks like an angel, that's what he seemed it is, until he looked behind her and saw white wings flapping gracefully. "Am I taken to heaven?"

Gabrielle, who was still laughing her soul out, looked at Hwanwoong whose eyes started to lose focus. Before Gabrielle could reply, Hwanwoong lost consciousness, the darkness consuming him from the shock.

This made Gabrielle laugh again until Seraphiel crossed her mind. Her superior. Her mouth was sealed shut as she imagined how Seraphiel could be furious of how she treated Hwanwoong. She closed her eyes and inhaled sharply. She hoped Seraphiel didn't see this.


Gabrielle finally arrived at the house. She landed on the ground and hid her wings back. Seoho was outside the door. He immediately stood up, as if he's waiting for Gabrielle to come back. His eyes landed on Hwanwoong who was still asleep.

"Please open the door, Seoho." Gabrielle asked and Seoho immediately opened the door and gave way for Gabrielle.

"Oh, is that Hwanwoong?" Keonhee said. Gabrielle nodded.

"What happened to him?" Leedo asked and Gabrielle tried not to laugh as the memories started to come back. "He fell asleep on the way."

It was not a lie though. They were technically on the way to the house and he fell asleep in the middle of them travelling.

"Did you fly here while carrying him?" Seoho's eyes widened as he looked from Hwanwoong to Gabrielle.

"Yes." The men were amazed at Gabrielle, as always.

Ravn scoffed. "Still, I'm glad I didn't let you carry me on that day."

In the midst of their conversation, Hwanwoong stirred in his sleep, and when he opened his eyes, he saw Gabrielle looking down at him.

His eyes instantly widened as the memories flashed back in his mind. "You!" He yelled as he jumped away from Gabrielle's arms and started scrambling away from her. He stopped at Ravn's leg, holding it with fear and anger.

"Get me away from her!" Hwanwoong started to freak out. He tugged on Ravn's jeans. Gabrielle tried to hold herself from laughing.

"What did you do to him this time, Gabrielle?" Ravn asked with his arms crossed, expecting another stunt. Before Gabrielle could defend herself, Hwanwoong replied instead. "S-She dropped me from the sky!"

All of their eyes widened while Gabrielle kept a straight face.

"Are you serious, Gabrielle?" Keonhee exclaimed. Ravn face-palmed, "I knew I made the right decision to not let you carry me."

"He asked for it!" Gabrielle rebutted. "He told me to put him down, and I did give him what he wanted. Now he's made at me."

"You almost killed me!" Hwanwoong yelled at Gabrielle, still holding onto Ravn's leg as a shield. Gabrielle rested her hands on her hips. "But I didn't!"

"You still dropped me."

"Well, Yeo Hwanwoong, if you paid attention to me from the start, that exact moment when I entered your room, none of this would've happened." Gabrielle ranted.

"I thought I lost my temper from explaining myself to Ravn," Gabrielle sneered at Ravn before continuing. "But I didn't know I could feel so much frustration until I met you. You made me feel like I'm talking to a ghost or air."

The look of annoyance and mockery left Gabrielle's face. It was replaced with anxiety. Everything that happened at Keonhee's place crossed her mind. How Keonhee almost died in the snake's hands, and how almost the snake could have fled to report to the King. How everything could have been doomed.

Her eyes started to become glossy. "Time is running so fast and so are the enemies. I need to find you all and save you before it's too late. I can't afford to waste time and fail. I could be the reason for everything to fall apart."

Silence filled the room as soon as Gabrielle finished talking. A tear slid down on her cheek and she instantly wiped it off with the back of her hand. Ravn, Seoho, Leedo and Keonhee looked at her in shock. They got used to see her smiling and laughing all the time. They never saw her this mad, let alone cry. Meanwhile, Hwanwoong, who doesn't know anything at all, looked at Gabrielle with confusion.

Gabrielle started to walk through them, her eyes never meeting any of their eyes. "Explain everything to Hwanwoong. I'm tired." She said to no one particularly and made her way to the stairs. To her room.

The 7 Deadly Sins: The Cursed || Oneus FFWhere stories live. Discover now