Author's Note

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Hello minnaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!

This is my first story that I am going to make, so if u find some grammatical errors and some mistake in the spelling bare with me because it is my first time.

A little trivia to me charrr😁😁. I am a wattpad fan so i always read wattpad everyday and i always find it entertaining so i thought myself ' why shouldn't i also make my own version of story' so yeahhhhhh.

I was inspired. Charrrrr

And so yeahhhhhh pls. comment if u have anything to suggest or anything or whatever charrrrrrr😁😁

So because it is quarantine i dont have anything to do.

Oh?! And BTW a little trivia to my story, it all started with a legendary truck san. Why truck san is a legendary because many of the story that i read about reincarnation, transmigration and reborn is because they got slammed by truck san so yeahhhh.

And also if u find some characters in my story that is acting different to their original personality then im sorry. I will try my best in pursuing this story until the verrrrrrrryyyyyyyyy ennnnndddddddd... Charrr

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