Updates I guess . . . ?

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I know I haven't published a new part despite taking on several prompts & requests and I figured I owed an explanation.
To start off, I hope everyone's okay and staying safe during these hard times, I wish you all abundant comfort, good health and a positive outlook. If you're struggling, feel free to vent and talk it out, even if it's to me.
I also wanted to say that the loss of Corey has washed all of us over with an immense wave of grief and he shall always live on in our hearts. My deepest condolences go out to his loved ones, because I know how it feels to lose someone so unexpectedly. I hope whatever happened was for the best.
As for why I haven't been posting, well, there's a lot of reasons, but firstly i sincerely want to apologize to anyone who was reading this book or waiting on a part of their preference. I  promise to get to them as soon as I possibly can.
For starters, my life has been an absolute wreck, from personal and household issues, to losing a beloved pet, to endless mountains of schoolwork constantly piling up - it's all been too much. I've been stressed, anxious and honestly, I just wanted to end it all at a point, but that's not the point. I really couldn't manage to write in that mindset and with no time on my hands.
I've been unproductive and that's simply because I've been on my toes and all the stuff going on has been so tough emotionally and mentally that it's left me physically exhausted. Exhausted to the point that I don't even have the strength to end what's causing me stress. It's a vicious cycle.
Furthermore, I was given 27 ish hours by my school to decide my GCE subjects and what I was opting to study for in the next two years of my life - which honestly was a huge and difficult decision to make. That hit me like a slap in the face when I realized I didn't know what I was doing, I had worked hard enough to meet the criteria of the subjects I wanted to choose and it just seemed like that brought my life crumbling down. I was already having hard times, and this new added stress added to it. I had several mental breakdowns and anxiety attacks within a day which left me to partially drive myself to the brink of insanity. I don't know why I'm giving this sort of in-depth explanation, but I just am.
I just need some time to pull myself back up, together and come to a stable, healthy mindset to be able to pursue my hobby of writing, cause in all honesty, even if I did write in these circumstances, it would just be a bunch of shit.
So please bear with me, and keep me in your prayers. Please hope I get the subjects I have applied for despite not meeting the criteria, which seems impossible - but we can hope.
If you're reading this, thank you. I wish you endless happiness, success and health in all aspects of life. Keep your loved ones close and yourself grounded. Stay strong and safe, I'm positive that this crisis is just another test that will pass in due course of time.
Much love,
H ❤

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