- Corbyn - Migraine. (corbina)

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It was half past four in the morning, the tour bus was etched with an eerie silence except Zach's soft snores and fumbling from Corbyn's bunk.
It was quite surprising, it being a well-known fact that Corbyn needed his beauty sleep for at least 8 hours to function daily.
Corbyn lay there in his bunk, tossing and turning, shifting through all sleeping positions known to man, trying to get himself to sleep and push back the dull, blaring pain in his head, that was keeping him awake. He shifted uncomfortably, yet again, but in vain, as more pain shot through his head.
He had lost track of days while on tour. He had completely forgotten that his girlfriend, Christina, was coming over to spend the next week with him on tour.
The left side of his head began pounding as the pain increased drastically. His bloodshot eyes began watering from the pressure of this headache and the lack of sleep. His hair a mess from all the moving and he cringed as the pain radiated through his skull, rattling his insides all the way to his jaw.
Corbyn lay there miserably, trying to fight off this pain by clamping his eyes shut tightly and covered himself from head to toe with his fluffy comforter that his mother had got him, to block out all the light which seemed to worsen his misery.
He had almost dozed off when Jonah's alarm set off. The shrill ringing, pulsating through Corbyn's aching head. He whimpered from the pain, waiting for Jonah to turn it off. After a few minutes, his wish was fulfilled and Jonah scrambled out of the bunk area and padded lightly into the lounge of the bus.
To Corbyn, everything was painful. The headache had multiplied tenfold, he felt incredibly nauseous and every sound,light and movement was like another dagger to his already pounding head and ringing ears.
He put on his headphones, in a desperate struggle to get some sleep to relieve him of this misery, which in Corbyn's belief was from his recent sleepless nights, stressful and hectic routine. He knew he would pass out during the show, if he was unable to sleep.
Jonah trotted back into the bunk room quietly and one by one, woke up all the boys leaving Corbyn and Zach for the end. He headed to Corbyn's bunk, ready to draw the curtains, when, as if on cue, the boy let out a grunt from the pain and tossed over again. Jonah took this as an indicator that he was indeed awake and he left to go arouse the youngest, which was a tedious task.
The three boys eventually made their way to the kitchen and adjacent lounge where they sat on their phones  waiting for breakfast. Jonah had already prepared breakfast, but was waiting on Corbyn and Christina's arrival so that they could feast together. It was a shock to him that, Corbyn, who usually woke up early on a scheduled routine to style his hair, was not yet up.
Yet he let it pass, assuming that he mat have had a late night, or was exhausted due to the grueling tour. So he decided to let the boy sleep in, until   Christina arrived.
Today was not going to be a good day for Corbyn. He shivered with his blanket off, and sweat with it on, and nothing seemed to make him comfortable. He was dizzy and drained of all vitality. He swallowed, but his mouth was dry, throat scratchy and parched from not consuming enough water the day before. His melancholic gloom seemed to only worsen.
The ravenous boys couldn't wait anymore and finally tucked into the breakfast before it got cold. Jonah saved a plate for Corbyn and they then set off to their respective hangout spots while one of them got ready : Jonah was sprawled on the couches in the back, reading the last installment of Harry Potter, Jack was up in the front with the driver, Zach was getting ready, while Daniel was busy working on new beats. Quite predictable.
Within a few hours the bus came to a halt in front of their destination and four of these goofballs galloped to the door, awaiting their guest.
Christina hopped onto the bus, laden with small presents for them as well as their favourite homemade foods that she had prepared. They exchanged hugs and talked. After some time, she spoke up and questioned
"Where's Bean ?"
Not failing to notice his absence.
"He's still sleeping in his bunk. You can go meet him though," Jonah replied, leading her to the bunk room and halting in front of Corbyn's.
Christina opened the curtains to reveal a lump of blankets bunched up into a ball. She chuckled to herself, as she pulled off the covers, exposing a despairing sight.
Corbyn lay there whimpering with his eyes shut tightly, tears still pouring onto his stained cheeks, his face and body were pale but his cheeks held a flush, indicating a fever. He was slightly shivering as he thrashed around to find his blankets again, the blaring lights of the room making his head throb.
Christina stood shocked at the sight of her boyfriend. Then climbed into his bunk and got under the covers with him.
"What's wrong, Bean ?" she asked him softly, not wanting to aggravate his pain in any way.
"H-hea-d, Sto-mac-h, Jaw, ever-y-thing-g hurts," he whispered back.
"You have a fever too," Christina confirmed placing a hand on his forehead, flinching at the heat it was radiating.
"How about, we take your temperature, and then get you some Ibuprofen ?", she gently patted his shoulders and went to find the instrument.
She went straight to the lounge and accidently bumped into Jonah who stood up at that very moment.
"Sorry Jo, but can you tell me where the first aid kit is ?" she asked with a hit of impatience in her tone.
"Yeah, but why do you need it ?" he asked, whilst making his way to the cabinets, judging by the urgency of her voice, that it was important.
"Corbyn is burning up, and he feels unwell, I wanted to check his tempertaure and give him some Ibuprofen." she said, grabbing the small box he handed her and pacing back.
She returned back to Corbyn under the thick blankets. She proceeded to pull them back off and dropped them onto the floor, earning a groan from the ill boy.
"You can't be wearing that, bean. It'll only raise your temperature" she explained.
She stuck the thermometer into his mouth, without any hindrance from him, which was a surprise, because she knew how much Corbyn disliked being dependent on others.
He just lay there with his eyes still closed as she rubbed soothing circles on his stomach.
The thermometer beeped, and upon taking it's reading , Christina almost freaked out,
102°F !
Without hesitation, she lifted the boy into sitting position and handed him a couple tablets of ibuprofen with a glass of water.
Corbyn grunted with the movement, but took the pills anyway, just wanting to be put out of this misery.
After taking them he lay back down, holding his arms out for his beloved girl.
Christina cracked a small smile at his cute antics and laid down with him into his embrace, closing off the curtains, letting his warm body cuddle against her. He nuzzled his head into her neck lovingly and she traced random shapes on his back in an attempt to calm him.
The medication did work for the time being. They both dozed off in each others embrace.
Jonah entered to inquire about Corbyn, his curiosity and love for the younger getting the best of him. He peeked behind the curtains to  Corbina cuddled up next to each other, their legs tangled and his head resting on her lightly, he grinned, and after snapping a picture, tip-toed away, warning the others to stay silent and away from the bunk room.
A couple hours had passed.
Christina woke up to her being violently shaken to the core, as Corbyn struggled to awaken her. He had his hand clasped firmly onto his mouth and she quickly realized what was to come next and dashed off to pick up the nearest trashcan.
Corbyn lurched, almost throwing up, but swallowed the gross liquid down, refusing to be this vulnerable in front of his girlfriend. She noticed and scooted closer to him, comforting him.
"It's okay to be sick, love. You'll feel a lot better if you let it out."
He still sat there, hunched, his face scrunched up.
"I'm so sorry, Bean," she said, as she pulled his hands off his mouth with one hand, while simultaneously applying pressure to his unsettled stomach.
With another lurch, he projectile puked straight into the trashcan. After  a few more rounds, he had nothing left to bring up, and started vomiting bile that burnt his throat. That ceased, and he continued to painfully dry heave...
He dropped back exhausted with his hair now matted onto his forehead.
"It's okay, Bean." Christina cooed, whilst trying to provide whatever comfort to the poor boy she could.
Corbyn fell much weaker after throwing up. He still felt nauseous, still felt dizzy and if possible, his pulsing headache had increased.
Why was this even happening to him ? He wondered.
Christina left him so that he could get some rest and joined the others in the lounge.
"How is he ? I heard him throwing up rather harshly back there." Jonah asked.
"Honestly, terrible. He had a high fever, threw up, and he can't even keep his eyes open because his head hurts." Christina sighed sadly.
"He'll be fine, it's probably the stress from tour taking a toll on him. I'll see if I can get him out of today's show." he offered.
After a long argument, he was unable to get Corbyn out from performing, despite the boy's frail health. The management showed no concession, despite being aware of how sick Corbyn could get.
Corbyn slept in the dark bunk for couple hours, and when he decided he had to man up, he mustered the strength to leave the room, and meet his girlfriend who had not once complained to him about anything - she deserved better than a baby like him.
He winced at the bright lights in the lounge where all of them sat, chattering softly to each other.
"Hi guys..." he spoke not louder than a whisper, only enough to make his presence known.
"Hey buddy, feeling any better ?" Jonah acknowledged the pale, sick looking boy.
"I guess." Corbyn replied, as if unsure himself, and plopped himself onto the couch beside Christina.
She hugged him, but moved back, feeling his forehead warm again.
"Hmm, you still feel warm, are you sure you're okay ?" she asked. "Let's just check your temperature again." and she got up to get the thermometer.
"Teena, i'm fine, just come back here." Corbyn desperately called her, wincing as his own voice echoed in his head. And he got up to pursue her.
He swayed, and just then his eyes rolled back and he began to fall backwards.
A loud thud, startled the boys and they looked up to find an unconscious Corbyn laying on a heap on the floor.
" Christina ! He's fainted, get over here. " Zach shrieked.
The boys tried to revive the boy, but to no avail. So they picked him up and laid him onto the couch.
Christina came running back, with the device in her hands and rushed towards him popling it into his mouth, brushing his hair past his eyes while she waited.
His temperature was at 104°F at this point.
"We need to get him to a hospital, NOW" Christina yelled, panic lacing her voice.
"We're pulling up there right now, don't worry," Jack informed me.
Within minutes, Corbyn was out of the bus and on a stretcher in the emergency room, still unconscious.
Christina paced around the waiting rooms while the boys tried to calm her down before she worked herself up and ended up passing out too !
After around eight hours, Corbyn's name was called and all five of his closest pals as well as Tyler and Jon made there way to the doctor.
" It seems as though Mr.Besson has been suffering from multiple issues, but mainly a severe migraine. He was extremely dehydrated, so we are replenishing his body through IVs at the moment. His body was drained from lack of sleep, and overworking and the migraine may have been triggered as a result of stress and hence the vomiting. We had mildly sedated him and dozed him with some strong painkillers which seemed to have taken an effect. He does, however, have to stay here for a few days so that we can monitor him and make sure he is stable enough to leave the country and perform as you have stated, on tour. Thank you for your patience, you can see him now on Floor 5, Room 503." said the doctor with a small smile to reassure the impatient and worried visitors.
They rushed off and knocked on the door to Room 503. A nurse came by and told them that if they were visitors they could enter as the patient would be asleep, and so they did.
The crept in to see a heart-wrenching sight. Corbyn lay there on the bed, attached to several monitors, that were softly beeping with his constant vitals, he had multiple IVs in the crooks of both his arms, his eyes closed and he slept in peace. The room was dimly lit, the blinds shut and the bedside, full of several pill bottles, water and a few other items.
Corbyn's usually fluffy hair was a mess and his face was pale. He looked like a small, adorable bear, cuddled up in the blanket.
Christina's heart broke at the sight of her boyfriend. She thought it was her fault that he had to go through all this and was lying here helplessly in a hospital. A few tears, involuntarily left her eyes and rolled down her cheeks at the sight.
" He's fine, Chris," Zach said as all of them hugged her.
" Thanks guys " she replied gratefully.
" Why the formalities ? He's our Bean-brother too !!" Jack chuckled jokingly.
They snickered at the comment.
The hushed sounds awoke Corbyn. Without opening his eyes he tried to register the surroundings. His head felt so much lighter and better, his body was stiff but no longer exhausted and he felt comfortable with the temperature. There was an incessant, mild beeping still coming which irritated him and he peeled his eyes open to shut off what he thought was his alarm.
His eyelids had fluttered open and his surroundings were not what he was expecting. He couldn't move his arms without feeling some sort of discomfort and everything was white. Come to think of it, this wasn't his bed or blanket either. He slowly sat up and almost fell back down. He was in hospital ? He looked down to see tubes in his arms which almost made him sick just by looking at them and scanning the room he saw his bandmates and Christina asleep on couches in the room.
His throat still felt raw and dry, but he still croaked out " Christina"
Who woke up immediately and came by his side.
She told him how he had passed out, the diagnoses and why he was here, keeping the bad news for the end.
He was surprised
" But we've got to go, how long was I out ? We've got a show to perform tonight, let's leave. " he quickly spoke.
" I'm so sorry, babe, but you need to stay here for at least a few days - doctors orders. The shows have been rescheduled. It's okay " she exhaled as she spilled this bad news.
" O-oh." was the only response from the guilty boy who couldn't help but let out a few tears at this news. He didn't want to hold the others back.
" But I feel fine now, can't we just go home ?" he asked, with puppy eyes.
" I'll see what we can do, okay ? But please don't be upset. The others aren't mad, Bean. Your health is more important to us all." she lovingly hugged him.
The boys were very considerate of the boy's health and even fought with the management to make sure they all got proper breaks in between shows. They refused to perform without Corbyn and eventually the shows were rescheduled.
Corbyn was released after five incredibly long days, which seemed like years to him now that he was well and back to his old spirits. Christina stayed by him throughout and even for sometime after his release. They both had bonded over this scare and grew closer than ever. She was always there when he had another migraine, which was rare, but ensured that he was taken good care of and vice-versa. Corbina were the happiest couple one could think of !

Author's Note :
I hope you enjoyed the first oneshot of this story !
A huge thanks to april-xoxo for the request, I hope to get some more.
I thoroughly enjoyed writing this so I hope you enjoyed reading it & found it justice to your prompt.
Word count : 3000 words.
Dated : 3/21/2020
Loads of love,
~ H ♥

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