Chapter 1- Wish

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             Siobhan couldn’t sleep yet again. Insomnia was a real bitch these past few years. She would even try to go to bed earlier and earlier with all of the best intentions, but unfortunately, she would always lay awake staring at the ceiling for hours on end.  She would do her absolute best to sleep though, knowing full well her body needed the rest as well as her weary mind.

                  On this night, however, she was losing the battle.

                She peered at the soft moonlight streaming from the corner of her room with a thoughtful glance.  “Screw it,” she muttered.

               Siobhan flung the covers off of herself and silently walked to her mini fridge, careful not to make a sound. She didn’t want to wake her mother, who would then only annoy her peaceful mood with a barrage of pesky questions.

                I have to move like a ninja, she thought with a quiet snort of derision, carefully opening the door of the mini fridge so she could grab a bottle of wine. She reached up to a shelf in her closet to grasp one of her favorite wine glasses and walked towards the beckoning light. She quickly moved aside her black damask curtains and opened the glass door, which also served as the window in her room.

                Moving onto her small but quaint balcony that resided on the second floor of her two story house, she placed the bottle on the tiny table and popped the cork. She quickly poured some wine into her gold tipped crystal glass. The wine was a shadowy garnet color that reminded her of crimson sunsets and lit cinnamon cider candles, their flames flickering far into the night. 

             Sitting down in a small but comfortable chair, Siobhan propped her feet up on the matching footstool that was directly across from her and lifted the glass to her nose. She breathed in the sweet aroma of the dusky liquid, letting the smell settle into her nostrils and travel to the back of her tongue while she imagined what it was truly going to taste like. She took a sip and savored the taste. Siobhan couldn't supress a slight sound of contentment in the back of her throat while the flavor exploded on her tongue like a dark, sweet forbidden pleasure… chilled and alluring in its shadowy delight. 

            She had never looked up though. Siobhan carefully kept her gaze downwards until she was settled, for the sole purpose of soaking up the ambiance all at once. Closing her eyes, she took a deep, relaxing breath while rolling the slight tension from her shoulders simultaneously, still holding onto her glass with long but graceful fingers.

           Siobhan finally opened her eyes to drink in the scenery and softly gasped in pleasure.

         The image in front of her was absolutely breathtaking, even better than she had expected. It was like a fey painting, a land from a fairytale world, a mythical masterpiece from the depths and pages of storybooks come enchantingly to life.

          It seemed to be too beautiful to be a part of the world which in she lived.  The landscape was softly lit by pale wisps of translucent color. The moon was full and luminous, like a florescent orb of dreams, stretching over a languid lake that had been turned a silver gray by the grace of moonlight.

         The stars twinkled like diamonds sewn into a vast and eternal black velvet blanket that was the night sky. A softly flowing breeze slightly stirred the trees.  Leaves, shimmering from the timid-like touch of the wind, moved lightly as the dewy grass glistened with ethereal glow. The air smelled fresh and sweet with no trace of pollution to taint her airways. It was warm and comforting like the arms of a dark angel holding her close to his chest. She settled back and sighed in rapture as she drew in her surroundings. 

        At the edge of the tree line, Siobhan thought she saw a shadow move. Narrowing her eyes, she tried to look closer, but she couldn’t seem to make it out. She came to the conclusion it was nothing and shook her head just a bit as to clear out the cobwebs in her mind.

       Siobhan continued gazing around as the sheer beauty of the night comfortably overwhelmed her. A safe feeling settled over her entire being, making its way down into the smooth abyss of her very soul. 

         She sipped on her wine once more, the cleansing taste feeling like miniature stars bursting light and airily in her mouth. This is true pleasure… the stuff incredible memories are made of, she thought in an offhanded manner.  She felt a feeling of pure happiness melt over her.

       What she couldn’t understand however was how other people couldn’t appreciate this quiet beauty which made her soul soar. With nights like this she didn’t have to question that magic was real.

        This was magic.

     It was moments like this that she dreamed of, yearned for. Not the monotony of everyday ordinary life. She wanted to feel free and content, and peaceful like she did in these stolen moments. She didn’t want her life to revolve around back breaking jobs with little pay, or the newest clothes that were in style, or whatever man waltzed into her life at that moment full of imagined possibility.

       SIobhan wanted more moments like this in her life, where she felt like everything and anything was possible.  But even in the midst of all this perfection, she felt like something was missing. Even though she herself couldn’t tell what it was, Siobhan still knew it was glaringly obvious. She somehow felt dissatisfied, like a crucial piece of the puzzle was absent.

       After placing the glass of wine on the table, she tilted her head back, letting her vision center on the moon. Its gleaming form felt somehow inviting to her, summoning and drawing her in.  The phrase, Oh Great Mother Moon…, flitted through her mind.

     She felt the first tendrils of drowsiness in that instant, and chose not to fight it. Slipping off into sleep, the last thing she saw was a star falling with grace from its throne in the heavens sliding down towards earth.

      Without speaking the words, Siobhan made a wish with her last waking thought.

      I wish I knew what was missing.

      Then the dreams began.

Hi! I'm GoddessSirena and I am new to Wattpad. I have read many stories in the past few weeks on this website that are incredible, and I decided to try to write one of my own. I have always been very shy about my work, but I love to write anyways. Thanks to CaitlinAnnPatton and Maya_2011, I was able to find the courage to take a chance. Thank you so much girls! I will never forget it. To anyone who loves funny, keep you on your toes dialog wrapped up in a Vampire tale, check out CaitinAnnPatton's book, Stories under the Velvet Sky. For anyone who loves Non-Teen Fiction with heart pounding twists, check out Maya_2011's book Dragon's Prize.  I absolutely love them. 

I know this chapter is short, but I wanted to put it out there and see what you think anyways. I have many responsibilities that keep me from writing nonstop, but I will upload as quickly as I can. So if you like my story, or even think of some helpful suggestions, please vote, comment, or fan? I would really appreciate it. See you in the next chapter! :)


Siobhan- shuh-VAHN

Moonlit WishesWhere stories live. Discover now