Chapter 11- Misunderstandings

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          Back in the room, Siobhan tried to avoid Briarius while they were getting ready for bed. He had been slipping sneaky comments to her since they left the pool, his eyes twinkling with laughter as she resisted the urge to blush. She wasn’t even able to escape as she showered, he just used their link to torment her silently.

                Siobhan decided she had finally had enough and exited the bathroom, hairbrush in hand as she approached Briarius from behind, ready to smack him with it.

                “You know, Sio…if you and Lucian had that much of a reaction from just a kiss, imagine what could happen in the bedroom! After all, he is a hunky stud…I bet with his stamina he could go for hours. Hours of deliciously exhausting-AH!” Briarius was cut off as Siobhan pounded his head and back with the brush.

                “Are you quite finished? You have been tormenting me for over an hour now!” Siobhan hit him everywhere she could, satisfying her urge to vent her frustration, not caring that it was in a violent way. “You should be happy that I’m not punching you!”

                Siobhan was so focused on revenge that she didn’t notice his hand snaking out, grabbing her wrist and spinning her around, pinning her back to his muscular chest. Trying to think of some way to get out of his hold, her chest heaved with gasping breaths, knowing that whatever he was going to do she wasn’t going to like in the slightest.

                “Now that isn’t very nice, love…you know better than to get so close, I taught you better than that.” Briarius whispered in Siobhan’s ear and her muscles automatically tensed for action. “I think another lesson is in order; you are getting a bit sloppy. Nevertheless, even if you get me back for this later, it will be more than worth it.”

                Briarius spun around, throwing Siobhan on the bed and leapt on top of her, effectively pinning her as she tried to crawl away.

                “Bri, if you are going to do what I think you are-” Siobhan tried to scramble backwards as Briarius grinned evilly.

                “Oh but I am, Sio. And try as you might, it will still happen no matter how much you struggle.”

                At his words, Siobhan tried fiercely to get away but it was impossible.  Knowing what was coming, she stilled herself as she prepared to make her move. However, she couldn’t help jumping as she felt his hands softly caress down her sides, knowing he was dragging it out to gloat in his torture of her, and she screamed out in helplessness when his fingers dug in. He had used his knowledge of one of her greatest weaknesses against her.

 She was ticklish. 


Lucian stood under a stream of hot water as he showered the chlorine off his body, the pounding force feeling heavenly on his muscles. Replaying the events of the last couple of hours in his head, he felt a mixture of hope and despair that shook him at his very core.

Everything he ever wanted was within his grasp, so close he could practically taste it. He could see a future where Siobhan accepted him, every part of him, and the love that they were destined to share would burst into bloom, shining brighter than the sun. A time where her light would save him from his darkness, and there would finally be no more secrets between them.  A conjoined life where they could be happy and he wouldn’t have to hide what he was any longer. Nevertheless, no matter how clearly he could see it or how much he yearned for it; he couldn’t grab ahold of it. It wasn’t time.

As Lucian contemplated the cruelties of fate, he started to notice a slight, searing pain in his chest. The pain, only an annoyance at first, soon turned into something so crushing he could barely breathe, and he moaned in agony.

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