Chapter 12- Breakdowns and Bedtime Stories

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        Siobhan walked to the bed and sat down, a slight feeling of wonderment warring with shock in her chest at the way her night had progressed. Briarius walked into the room with a smug grin on his face, and Brennalyn trailed in behind him.

     “So Sio, how did it go?” Briarius walked over and sat beside her, taking in her swollen, thoroughly kissed lips with amusement and poked her in the side when she didn’t respond. “Oi, what happened? Did you give him what for, or did he just snog you speechless?”

     Siobhan popped him on the back of the head for that remark, but sighed heavily and buried her face in her hands, blinking back tears of helplessness as the shock began to wear off.

     Hearing her sniffle, Briarius soothingly rubbed her back in concern, murmuring, “Sio, are you alright?”

     “Ha! Alright?” Siobhan scoffed at the question as everything began to overwhelm her once more, and a hysterical giggle rose in her throat, slipping through her lips before she would contain it. “What part of any of this is alright?” She stood up, shrugging off Briarius’ touch and walked across the room.  

     As she began to pace, her thoughts ran through her head at lightning speed and she felt she was coming apart. Abruptly, she stopped, turning toward Briarius and Brennalyn, who looked at her in confusion.

     “None of this is alright, Briarius! My world has fallen to pieces around me! A few days ago, I was more than content to keep life the way it was. I had you, mom, my music career, and life was just fine! A bit boring at times, but that suited me perfectly. Now, I’ve found out I’m adopted, I have sisters, and have been watched over my entire life by beings who aren’t even human. The kicker of this entire thing of course being that we aren’t even human. My life has been ripped to shreds and I’m quickly beginning to long for the days when I was blissfully ignorant!” Siobhan paced again while an incredulous Briarius studied her uneasily, deciding to speak up.

     “Sio, calm down. We can work through this-”

     “No! Don’t tell me to calm down! I know that this has been hard on you too, but even my body has turned traitor on me, not to mention the fact my soul is giving in as well, to a man I know nothing about. I realize you said to let myself be happy, but really, Bri, I don’t even know the man and I’ve already felt more for him than I ever did for James! How is that possible? It’s just ridiculous, and my subconscious screams warnings at me about him when we are apart, but everything within me gravitates toward him the moment I feel him near. And the coup de grâce? Now I can’t keep my lips off him, which is just bloody perfect because it makes me feel like I am bouncing back and forth from one drastic mood swing to another. It’s like a I’m enslaved to a thunderstorm of emotion. What is happening to me? My principals? My defenses? Everything is just spiraling out of control!” Siobhan’s chest heaved as she took a breath, still pacing and powerless to stop the torrent of previously suppressed feelings bursting forth, like a dam breaking to flood the world in chaos.

     “Hell, I can’t even find privacy in my own head anymore! I realize this isn’t ya’lls fault,” she flung her hand out, indicating the stunned people in front of her, “but this is just becoming ludicrous. I have always been someone who values her privacy, and now I have to deal with anyone who randomly waltzes into my mind just because they feel like it. I can barely get a moment to think anymore, let alone a moment to breathe!” Siobhan abruptly stopped pacing; pointing an accusing finger toward her clueless sister, whose deer-in-the-headlights look only served to fuel her outrage.

     “And you! I can’t pretend to understand any of this, but how can you slip through my defenses so easily? I mean, come on! It’s bad enough Lucian can do it, but seriously, this is enough to make me scream in frustration. Rationally, I know you are my sister, my triplet, and apparently, one third of my soul, but I already trust you as if I have known you my whole life. That type of trust is supposed to take time, and how is it ever going to feel real if it’s this easy? I don’t even know how you grew up, or what boys you fell in love with, hell it could even be girls and I wouldn’t have a fucking clue! I just don’t know about anything anymore…” Siobhan trailed off, looking like a lost little girl, and Briarius bounded over to her to wrap her in his arms, unable to stop himself from comforting her.

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