Back in Beacon Hills And Tattoo

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Skyler's P.O.V

"No Lydia just because I'm back now doesn't mean I'm going to 'get on that'." I groaned while stuffing an apple into my mouth.

"Oh come on don't be a total prude." Lydia laughed through the phone and I groaned gritting my teeth together. "Besides isn't it-"

Lydia's voice was cut off by the sound of Dad coughing by the doorway. "I'll call you back."

I quickly ended the call and threw my phone into my bag when I saw Dad standing outside my door.

"Do I even want to know?" He asked and I raised my eyebrows taking another bite of my apple.

"I'm not even sure I want to know," I muttered. "What's up?"

"How are you after last night?" Dad asked and I shrugged my shoulders leaning myself against the door. "Right well I just wanted to make sure that this whole becoming an Argent thing doesn't get out of hand."

"Dad. We made a promise not to do the whole hunting thing. Well they did, you just spoke on my behalf." I stated and he nodded his head with a forced smile. "I'll be fine. Now can I please get my highly entertained ass to school?"

"One more thing." He added and I whined in response. "This whole you and Stiles thing, I understand that something is going on, but you do realise that you have to be safe when it comes to the sexual intercourse-"

"Oh my god!" I yelled storming straight past him covering my ears.

The last thing I need right now is to have the safe sex talk with my Dad. I don't think I'll ever need it!

I rushed out of the house and went next door and looked down at my phone. And I thought I was the late one.

What the hell is Stiles up to?

I made my way upstairs and saw Sheriff standing at the door with his expression as not impressed. Seriously, what the hell is Stiles up to?

"Remind me why I'm gonna be late to school?" I asked leaning against the doorway next to the Sheriff and he pointed over at Stiles who was sat typing on his computer.

"You know how many vehicle collisions last year involved deer?" Stiles rhetorically asked and I raised my eyebrows looking, at Sheriff. Is this because of last night? "247,000."

"Oh, God, please go to school."

"But that's crossing the road. This one last night came right down the middle." Stiles began informing us again and I rolled my eyes storming into his room.

The effort I have to put into this boy is unbelievable.

"I'm not gonna beg you." Sheriff muttered and Stiles nodded his keeping his eyes on the screen.

"Okay, good. I'm impervious to your influence anyway."

"Would you consider a bribe?" Sheriff asked and I sighed placing my hands on the back of his desk chair.

I had a better idea.

"You couldn't meet my price."

"How about me kicking your ass for making me late to school?" I threatened and Stiles shook his head.

"Not while you got the Sheriff of this fine and dandy town you live in watching you."

I groaned looking over at Sheriff for any ideas and he scratched the back of his head looking down at Stiles.


"You got nothing on me"

"I do." I raised my hands and Stiles raised his eyebrows still typing.

Playing With Fire ➳ Stiles Stilinski [3]Where stories live. Discover now