Beach Retreat (Chapter 17)

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        The devilish grin that appeared on her face scared me, but there was something strangely sexy about it. She clapped her hands together and smiled. "Who's up for a rousing game of truth or dare?"

        Tyler, like the alcoholic he is, cracked first. "I'll get the vodka!"

        Kendall cracked right after. "I'll get the shot glasses!"

        Everyone scattered off into the living room and I was left there with Rose.

        "Aren't you coming?" she asked.

        I studied her for a moment, but I caved at the sight of her seductive smile. I followed her into the living room and everyone had already set everything up.


        See, we don't play truth or dare like the average teenager. Whenever someone picks truth or dare we all have to take a shot of vodka, and if the person who recives a dare refuses to complete it, that person must take a shot of tequila. By the end of this game we're all usually pretty wasted.

        I took a seat in the circle beside Rose. I threw my arm around her and she snuggled against it just like a real couple would do. Though we were still in the midst of our game, pretending to be a real couple in front of everyone had become routine. But, I wasn't complaining.

        "Alright, who is going first?" Kai asked filling all of our shot glasses with vodka.

        "Well I think Rose should go first since she is the newbie." Kendall suggested.

        "But this is Vincent's villa. It's only natural that he go first." Rose protested.


        I rolled my eyes and continued to listen to everyone argue.

        "Let's drink for it!" I shouted, interrupting the eternal bickering going on between the crowded.

        Everyone quieted down and looked at me. "We'll drink in the count of three. Whoever's glass hits the table first will get to choose who will go first."

        We all readied our glasses. "One...two...three..."

        A glass hit the table and I looked over to see Adam wiping his mouth.

        "Bastard." I mumbled under my breath. I wanted to choose.


        "Vincent you go first."

        That's why I wanted to win. I knew Adam would choose me to go first.

        "Truth or dare." Rose smirked


        "Oh come on! Do we have to do this?" I complained.

        "Yes! I even waited until everyone else went a few times before making you do this." Rose said sternly.

        "But this is embarrassing! I already apologized a million times. What I did to you wasn't nearly as bad."

        "So? This is your fault. Now you know not to mess with me."

        "If it makes you feel any better, I think you make a sexy drag queen." Jessica teased.

        "What should we name him?" Kai asked.

        "How about Watermelandrea?" Megan piped in.

        "Nah he looks more like a Da'shaquita." Rose giggled.

        I was in hell. I'd expected Rose to get revenge during this game of truth or dare, but I'd never expected her to publicly embarass me. She'd decided to dress me up like a drag queen, take a picture, and post it on instagram where millions of people can see it.

        Everyone helped chip in; Jessica chose my outfit which was a leather mini skirt that I couldn't even zip and a halter top that cut off all circulation. Megan and Kendall did my makeup. She made sure to include eyeliner, eye shadow, something called blush, and this retarded thing that goes on your eyelashes. They'd even managed to find heels that they could squeeze my feet in.


        Yeah, I was in hell.

        "Say cheese princess." Rose giggled holding up the phone to take a picture.

        I scowled because I knew that this was only the beginning...


This chapter sucks! it took me forever to write and it isn't even good. *sigh* I'll start writing the next chapter which will not be about Vincent and Rose, but more about Christie and Kai. In fact, I'm even writing it in Kai's POV. Don't worry some shizz with Rose and Vincent will definitely go down before they leave. Just Vote and Comment to unlock hot scenes with Vincent and Rose.

Oh and if you haven't already noticed, I changed Rose's character. Originally Kendall Jenner was playing her, but I found someone prettier so go back to Chapter one or two or three idk, and check out the new pic!!!! Its Jenna Dewan by the way. I was watching the jerk theory last night and I thought 'I want Rose to look like that' And thus, a star was born!!!

Lol seriously people VOTE!!! COMMENT!!!

NEXT UPDATE: Whenever I can :)

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