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A/n: the art is dipper in bills signature jacket uwu


"I think I'll keep it to myself, thank you," Dipper stated stiffly.

"Aw, c'mon that's no fun!" Bill whined.

The brunette could feel annoyance bubble up in his chest, how insensitive could one person be? "Well then I'm sorry for being such a downer," he spit out.

The taller man chuckled, "You should be sorry! No one likes a Debby downer!"

Dipper turned his head up to glare spitefully at him, could this guy give him a break just once? He just went through a mental breakdown.

Luckily before he could take it a step further and say something he would regret, Pyronica cut in, "C'mon Bill, lay off the kid a little, he seems pretty shaken," she sighed out.

The blonde hummed, "All the more reason to be curious as to what got him so riled up!" He rested his head atop Dipper's chocolate locks, "Isn't that right pine tree?"

The youngest of the 4 was growing more and more agitated, "I don't have to tell anyone anything, especially not you," he said coldly.

"You know, it would probably make you feel better if you vented to us your feelings instead of bottling it up. That's a pretty unhealthy way to deal with it," Tad piped in.

Dipper became startled at his sudden entrance into the conversation and looked at the purple-haired man. He had said almost exactly what Mabel had told him in the past, he was never going to get anywhere by himself, but he was still hesitant to tell these people anything. The only person he trusted was Pyronica and that was only because they had been fast friends working together in the laundry room.

He sighed and turned to the said pink-haired woman, "Do you think it would really help me if I did talk about it?" He asked softly.

She hesitated and reached out to rub his arm comfortingly, "I think that I don't want you to keep everything bottled up," she said gently.

He looked around the room nervously and then steeled himself, these people were basically strangers so there was no burden in telling them. He told himself it would be like alcoholics anonymous, except he had a problem with nightmares and not drinking.

The brunette decided it would be best if he acted like he was just talking to Pyronica about it and pretend like the others weren't there, they did make him slightly nervous.

He turned to face his friend once again, "Well, my dream started out with me listening to my sister Mabel talking, except I couldn't hear her at all, it was like her speech was garbled. I just pretended that I could hear her perfectly and I nodded along. I mean until she called me a," he felt his eyes become teary again, "a failure, and then the scenery changed and we were in prison," he started speaking quicker, hoping not to choke on his words, "and she told me that what I did was never good enough! And I told her I was sorry but she said if I was sorry I wouldn't have done it!" He sobbed desperately, "And she grabbed my hair and made me look at her! And she dug her nails into my arms! And she told me that no one wanted me! And I-" He furiously wiped at his eyes, he was openly weeping again.

"She poked at all of my insecurities and fears! And I felt so betrayed! And I believed her because she was my sister!" He continued to ramble on.

Pyronica pulled him into another hug and he sobbed into her bright orange jumper. She brought him back to an arms-length and wiped the glistening tears from his eyes again. She frowned, he looked so utterly broken that it was heart-wrenching to her. She much preferred him smiling and laughing, to him crying. He was too pure for such sadness, she thought.

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