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Just as Dipper began eating, Gideon started up conversation again.

"Y'know, Pines, this could be beneficial for you. Hangin' round one of Bill's closest people could get you in with him," Gideon said thoughtfully.

The brunette grimaced at the thought of getting close to Bill, "Thanks, but no thanks, I don't really wanna get close to that psycho." Dipper said, popping a meatball into his mouth.

Robbie grumbles beside him, "I will admit, the thought of being in Bill's good graces is quite appealing. Maybe this is a good thing."

Just as the sentence came out of his mouth, there was a loud slam that silenced the whole cafeteria. Dipper turned to where the sound came from and found Bill looking furiously at a now unconscious man at a different table than he was originally. It was obvious that Bill had done the man harm, but when a guard ran up and asked what had happened, a barrage of different people claimed that they had been the one who had done it to him.

The guard looked frustrated but picked one of the random people who had claimed they had done it. The guard took the inmate roughly by the arm and started shoving him towards a hallway that was marked with a sign that said 'Solitary'. He could clearly see that this guy was going to be put into solitary confinement. He had seen it before on shows and it was never pleasant, he felt bad for the guy, but if he didn't want to go there then he shouldn't have volunteered himself as tribute so to speak.

Dipper thought that this was extremely strange though, why the hell would anyone want to cover for him? He stared at the blonde, he looked absolutely livid, his eyes were crackling to life with raw emotion. He idly wondered what had made him so angry.

All too abruptly he was again meeting those furious orbs. He felt his breath constrict in his throat. It was the kind of look that a wolf gave a rabbit when it had it cornered. He felt exactly like how prey would feel caught by the predator. His whole being froze up and he didn't know what to do. He felt sick to his stomach with fear.

In an instant, Bill's gaze traveled elsewhere and he stalked back to his table and sat down with aggression peeking through all of his actions. Dipper breathed a sigh of relief and slowly turned back to his own tablemates.

He opened his mouth to speak but Robbie beat him to the punch, "I take it back, I forgot how bad his anger issues are," he stated shakily.

Dipper disregarded that statement, "What in the absolute FUCK, was that?" He questioned, he realized he was breathing hard from all the tension he had experienced. Never in his life had he met someone so terrifying.

Gideon was the one to answer him, "That was one of Bill's tantrums I'm assuming."

The brunette scoffed at him, unbelieving, "There was no way that that was just a tantrum, he full-on knocked a guy out!"

"Yea that was definitely a tantrum compared to what he does when he's actually angry," Robbie responded, looking nervous.

Dipper paled at the statement, "What does he do when he's angry then..?" His voice got quieter as he talked, he wasn't entirely sure that he wanted to know, but his curiosity was burning to a peak.

Gideon's face darkened quite a bit, "Once I heard that when he was really angry, he blood eagled someone..." He trailed off.

The youngest cocked his head in confusion and Robbie shuddered, "Blood eagle? What's that?" He asked.

The light blonde looked deathly pale, and that truly was saying something because his skin was very fair, "The blood eagle was a medieval way of execution, they would cut your chest open, remove all your ribs, and take your lungs out and spread them to look sort of like wings."

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