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The door swung open to reveal Pyronica and Tad. Who both gave them a questioning look. Dipper was seated on Bill's lap while the blonde's arms were circled around his waist and nuzzling his face into the smaller's neck. Dipper's face was as red as a tomato and he was quite clearly struggling against the older man. His eyes darted between Pyronica and Tad.

He paused his struggling for a moment, "Th-this is definitely n-not what it looks l-like," he stuttered out, embarrassment flooding his veins.

Pyronica stifled her laugh, "It looks like the boss here has been harassing you, sorry about that Dipper."

Bill huffed indignantly, similar to a child, "I was not harassing him, this is what he wanted!" He defended himself.

"And that's why he's clearly struggling against you," Tad piped in dryly.

The blonde scowled at him, "He's not struggling he's just nervous!"

Dipper pushed at the arms around his waist and decided he would have an easier time talking to the kingpin if he wasn't facing him, "I'm struggling a-and I'm nervous! You're c-crazy!" He yelled out.

Bill went to rest his head on top of Dipper's and he frowned, peering down at the smaller man, "Now that's real rude pine tree, yelling at me like that," he chided.

The brunette's stress level was going up by the second and he could feel tears of frustration pooling at the corner of his eyes, "I don't c-care if it's rude! Let me go!" He yelled once again.

The taller man narrowed his eyes in irritation, the little sapling had no manners and it was grating his nerves, "If you know what's good for you, you'll stop yelling," he all but growled out.

This sent Dipper into a panic, he could hear the threat in the other's voice. He stilled his struggles and kept his mouth shut, but did not relax into the other man's hold on him.

"See? Isn't that much better?" Bill purred.

The 'no, definitely not' was on the tip of Dipper's tongue, but he decided against saying it in fear of angering the unstable blonde.

Pyronica shot the brunette a worried look, she could see how uncomfortable he was, but she couldn't do anything to help him. After all, nobody could stop Bill when he wanted something and it seemed that at the current moment in time, Dipper was what he wanted.

She instead opted to clear her throat and speak to Bill, "Well, we just came to see you to tell you that we've finished our" she paused and looked at Dipper warily, "tasks," she finished.

Bill hummed appreciatively, Dipper could feel the vibrations on his back that was pressed to his chest. "Very good to know Py. Tad, are things going smoothly on your end?"

The purple-haired man responded with, "For the most part yes, although due to some unforeseeable circumstances there might be a delay of around a week."

The kingpin sneered, "Fucking idiots, can't do anything right!" He unconsciously tightened his hold on Dipper in his anger and felt the smaller man seize up, so he loosened his hold slightly and lifted one of his hands to pet his hair in some form of comfort. This surprised Dipper, but it felt nice and against his will, he slightly relaxed.

Pyronica sighed at his outburst, "There's always some things that we can't control, Bill."

"People are getting sloppy just cus I'm in here! They act like I didn't want to be in here," a frown settled on his features.

"Well, from an outside perspective there's nothing good about prison, much less a good reason to be in here," Tad responded.

Dipper felt very out of place. He clearly couldn't add anything to the conversation and he got the nasty feeling that he was hearing something that he shouldn't be. It was similar to the feeling he got when he was eavesdropping on someone, except this time he wasn't eavesdropping, he was just unlucky enough to be stuck in Bill's embrace. He wondered why they were speaking so casually about these things while he was around but he then realized that it was because they didn't deem him to be enough of a threat, if any at all.

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