"K-Kyojuro... I never want to lose you-..." you sniffled and wailed. "No matter what, I want to be right beside you. I-I..." you couldn't form another intelligent sentence after that. Kyojuro sat there, softly stroking your hair with a small smile. He enjoyed watching you, not matter how you acted. It was refreshing of some sort.

After you calmed down, you tried to speak again, "Kyojuro... I... I actually wanted to tell you... you're my favorite person. I want to... I want to spend every moment... of every day... by your side. I want to be your partner for life... I... I want you to understand... that... that I love you..." you explained shyly, your face growing increasingly red as you stared at his longing eyes.

He chuckled lightly, "I love you too, Snowball. How about... for now... we sleep and discuss this issue further tomorrow?" He offered with a grin full of teeth. You smiled brightly and laid your head in the crook of his neck. You were already tired, and he knew that so he didn't question it and pulled you into his arms as he stood up and began walking towards the room the two of you were staying in. He walked softly so you could sleep peacefully in his arms.

On the way back, Tanjiro noticed the two of you and ran up to ask about how you were doing, since he knew that the fight you fought was intense and tiring. "Rengoku-san! (Y/N)-san!" He shouted happily but was shushed by Zenitsu.

"(Y/N)-san is sleeping!" He whisper yelled back at the boy. "I kinda feel bad for her, though... she fought that demon one on one..."

"I heard she had been fighting since before the sun even set...!" Tanjiro whispered. The trio was amazed at your strength and admired the hard work you put in to get to that level. Kyojuro smiled his signature smile.

"Did you expect any less, my boys?" He chuckled and began walking once again. He was glad you set a new example for them, they would work harder than ever before to get stronger, stronger than you. It was a new motivation for the boys. Even the other pillars, as news of this will surely spread like wild fire. Once he entered the room, he was met with the flamboyant Tengen standing patiently for the two of you. When he saw the fact you were asleep, however, he smiled brightly hoping to get the opportunity to tease him about it later. "If you need to speak about something, then at least let me lie (Y/N) down." He spoke softly, but Tengen could hear happiness laced within his words.

"Of course! It wouldn't be very flamboyant to keep her in such an awkward manner!" Tengen winked and walked out of the room.

Kyojuro gently set you on the bed, pulling the covers to your shoulders and kissed you on the forehead, bidding you goodnight. Walking out, Tengen nudged his side causing him to wince slightly. His ribs were almost completely healed, but not quite. "What is it you need?" Kyojuro asked with a smile.

"Oyakata-sama wants to speak with you tomorrow. Then he wants to speak with (Y/N)-san after. He told me to let you know of these arrangements."

"Thank you for informing, Tengen-san! Now, if you'll excuse me, I have quite the busy day tomorrow...!" Kyojuro turned on his heels, but didn't get far before Tengen hooked his arm around his shoulders.

"Come on, spill the beans! And do it flamboyantly! Flamboyantly spill the beans!" He coerced.

Kyojuro raised his brow, "About what?"

"About you and (Y/N)-san, obviously!" Kyojuro's face began heating up at his words and Tengen knew he would be able to tease him about it later, whatever it was.

"I'm not sure what happened, we're going to discuss matter further tomorrow!" Tengen raised his brow waiting for more information. "I should really wait for her to decide on things before I start assuming." He said guiltily.

Caught By Flames (Kyojuro Rengoku x Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя