21 : Sweet Confessions

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A/N: Alright, Senjuro and Kyojuro are just adorable in the image above! I couldn't help but share it...! (They're cute in every picture) Anyways back to the story...!

After Shinobu and Aoi cleaned your wounds and covered them, then allowed you to go out to meet Kyojuro in the garden like planned. As you approached, you could hear him whispering something to himself. He looked deep in thought, and didn't realize you were there until you tapped his shoulder. With a surprised expression he stood to his feet.

"Are you sure you're okay with this? We can talk about it in the room if you want!" He said a bit fast expressing a sudden nervousness. You just chuckled and shook your head.

"I'm fine, just a few flesh wounds and cracked ribs. As long as I'm not doing heavy lifting, I should be fine." You grabbed his arm that was crossed against his chest and laid your head on it. You were quite shorter than him, but it didn't seem to bother either of you.

He inhaled and exhaled to calm himself and covered his nervous behavior with a wide smile. You and him began walking through the garden pointing out your favorite flowers. You spoke into the night and laughed sweetly to one another. It was calming after the day you've had, but it was nearing it's end as the adrenaline began leaving your veins, causing your limbs to grow heavy with each step. You yawned and sat down in front of a group of flowers. They always seemed to catch your attention, no matter how many times you walked through the garden and studied them. He sat beside you and watched you lean against him tiredly. Your mind suddenly began thinking about how similar he and the flowers were, starting to make the connection your face began to show a slight hint of pink on your cheeks.

Tiredly, you spoke up through the comfortable silence, "You know, these flowers are really pretty and beautiful..." you whispered, "they always catch the attention of people... it reminds me of you, kind of." Despite your fatigue, your heart started beating faster when you realized what you just said out loud. You didn't mean to say the last part out loud, which caused your mind to spike.

"How so?" He questioned, seemingly completely unphased.

You hummed, "So many people know about these flowers. Some people dislike them because they can easily kill, while others adore their nature and beauty. They catch your attention, much like the sun. They're a stunning flower species... and you, you're like the sun itself... you shine brighter than anyone else, and you catch the attention of others. In a crowd of people, you're guaranteed to get the attention of many. You stand out, but in a great way... you,... the sun,... this flower... you all shine brighter than anyone could have thought. No matter your circumstances..." he listened tentatively to what you had to say, and when you were done he gave a serious expression and made you face him.

With his hands, he gently cupped your bandaged cheeks, "I wanted to come out here to tell you something, (Y/N). I haven't told you before, and I think it's time. Even if it ruins our relationship, I'm willing to take that risk." Your eyes widened at his words and you almost refused to listen, but the look in his eyes prevented you from doing so. He pulled you into his lap and watched your face burn a bright pink. Your breathing was shallow as the pause in his voice grew longer. He smiled lovingly and pulled you close to him, "You're my world, (Y/N), nothing will ever change that. You somehow made my dull life full of happiness and joy after my mother passed away. Can't you see? You're the sun in my universe... I'm not good at this kind of thing since I've never... felt this way before... but- I want to spend every single day we have left in this life... together. I realized during our first fight with Akaza that I'd be broken and helpless without you in my life. I don't ever want to lose you, but I know if we're together, we'll make it through everything. Even death..." he trailed off once he heard small sobs hit his chest. He realized you had wrapped your arms around him affectionately, and had a deep blush covering your face.

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