39 : Your Hell (1)

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A/N: oookkkkkaaaayyyy.

Three weeks prior~

When (Y/N) opened her eyes, she was welcomed by the revolting sight of the demon that had killed Shinobu's older sister, Kanae. He was quite recognizable in her eyes as his silver hair glistened in the dim lights, his rainbow colored eyes staring at her with a sadistic smile scribbled on his face.

"My, oh, my! What a beauty you are indeed!" He chirped sweetly, his hand cupping her cheeks. Her eyes widened as they darted from one side to another of the room. "Oh, what a thrill it is! Muzan-sama will be so happy that man finally finished his mission!" The fake happiness started to royally piss (Y/N) off as she turned her head and bit the hand of the demon, spitting out the chuck of skin and bone she bad taken from him.

"Sick bastard." She growled under her breath.

Douma narrowed his eyes before returning to his irritating attitude. "Oh my! How hostile! You're going to be a fun toy to play with~!" He sang happily, his voice beckoning another.

"Remember, Douma, that girl is to not be touched until Muzan is finished with her, or unless permission is granted." Kokushibo called from the other side, hiding his face from the girl who rolled her eyes and slammed her head into Douma's.

He wasn't to pleased by that, she could tell just by the look in his eyes as he smiled. It reminded her of Shinobu which sent a chill down her spine. 'Could have gone without that mental image...' she thought silently as the clicking of shoes finally pierced her ears, letting both demons know someone was coming. What followed was something that caused (Y/N) to yawn in boredom as Kokushibo mentally slapped her for being so ignorant.

"Dumb humans, you never learn, do you?" Muzan asked, (Y/N)'s father close behind with chains around his wrists. "Alright, Miss (L/N), you have two options here. 1, you could become a demon and help me to become a perfect being... or 2, you can be tortured and used as a Guinea pig for my experiments. Either is fine by me, make your decision quick, or your father's head goes flying." He threatened the bored looking girl who yawned once more before looking Muzan dead in the eyes with the icy stare of someone ready to kill.

"Who says I would care if you killed him? It would only anger me that I didn't get to it first. That traitorous bastard isn't my father. He died a long time ago when mother and brother were slaughtered." She spoke coldly, the gaze of her father's frightened eyes landing on her, his jaws dropping to the ground.

"So you've made your choice of being stubborn. Very well. Kokushibo, take care of him for me." Muzan shoved the man towards the highest ranking demon, who in return grabbed the man while pulling his sword to his neck, looking at (Y/N) one last time before bringing the sword down, slicing his throat clean open. "Interesting, no response at all." He mentioned, observing the girl closely.

He watched her close her eyes, laying on the floor comfortably before speaking up again. "I've made a choice, but it's not one you'll like. I've decided to tell you to fuck off." Her calm attitude was really ticking the demon king off as Douma backed away slightly in fear of getting his head ripped off due to her snide comments.

"You'll come to rethink that desicion very soon." Muzan replied dryly, trying to hide the clearly evident irritation.

With a smirk, (Y/N) embraced that, "Has anyone told you, you suck at faking things? I would have figured someone like you would be more composed compared to your subordinates..." she paused, thinking to herself, "or should I say personal slaves. Yes... That's a better term." She spoke to herself more than to Muzan who pinched his nose in irritation, sighing heavily.

"Do what you please with her, Kokushibo." Muzan waved his hand, wanting her out of his sight quickly before she angered him further.

With that, upper moon one threw her over his shoulder and walked out wordlessly while Douma began complaining about her to the demon king. Knowing there was no way she was going to win in a fight against Kokushibo without a sword, she instead started humming a song to ease her racing heart.

She may look calm on the outside, but inside she was screaming at herself. Honest to god, she thought that would be the end of her life... which wasn't a fun thought.

Her mind wandered to the thoughts of what Kyojuro would think if she had gotten herself killed. That also wasn't fun, she could imagine the anger, guilt, and sadness that he would feel. She wanted to tell him it wasn't his fault, but she couldn't and it made matters worse for her and him.

Sudden, she was thrown into the ground, the demon putting tight chains around her wrists, most likely in an attempt to keep her in that room unless needed.

"So this is what I'm reduced to... a pillar being held captive, such a lame story." She huffed with a dry, emotionless laugh that sounded more of a sigh of defeat. It was something Kokushibo couldn't understand, she had been so filled with life before she was captured, did something change?

"It's not really lame, just unlucky. You wouldn't have been targetted... had you of been part of a different family." He reminded her, only seeming to deepen the depressive episode.

"If that's your way of cheering someone up, it didn't work very well." She smiled and put a hand on the demon's head, surprising him. "But I suppose that happens when you become a demon, human emotions become a dream to you, a far off island..." she chuckled and leaned against the cold wall of the room. "Though... Life could be worse than this, I suppose."

Kokushibo hummed, "Could be better if you became a demon... but I don't see you doing that any time soon." He remarked, standing back to his feet. "I can say with certainty, however, that you'll come to regret your decision of refusing demon blood and cooperation." He meant it as a warning, but it sent a shiver down the pillar's spine sounding more like a threat.

"I know I will, but I made a promise to someone... and if I become a demon I would be betraying them." She spoke apologetically, knowing the demon didn't want to cause her much more harm if she was unwilling or unable to fight. Another hum in response and she sighed, placing her forehead to her knees with closed eyes.

Kokushibo stood there until her breathing evened out, him knowing she was asleep due to her quietness. "Sleep well, tomorrow won't be as easy." He said and left the room.

(Y/N) opened her eyes to the harsh light of the room turning on, someone slapping her face knocking her to the side. A deep scowl presented itself on her features before they relented as she sat back up with closed eyes. Muzan seemed to be in an even pissier mood than before, as his foot connected with her chin, sending her back into the wall.

"Watch it, fuckface." She growled, earning another slap to the face. It was obvious it was taking everything Muzan had not to kill her. "Might as well kill me, it'll make your job a lot easier." She mumbled under her breath, Muzan turning his head in annoyance.

"I told you, if you refused to be a demon, you'd become my Guinea pig for my experiments. With your blood, I don't even need that demon, Nezuko. I can become invincible with your help! Doesn't that sound fun?" His wicked smile was wiped off his face as he saw the threatening one on (Y/N)'s, irk marks littering her face.

"Sounds like absolute fun, I'll make it a living hell for you." She growled, already plotting the things she'll do just to upset the demon king who couldn't kill her. She'd use that to her advantage, oh the fun she would have messing with him~

With a hum, Douma showed up behind the demon king, "Is it my turn, yet~?" His sing song tone about made (Y/N) puke, but she restrained herself and kept the irritated smile, that Shinobu always had, on her face.

Oh, what a horrible time this was going to be. Surrounded by people that absolutely annoyed her...

A/N: the first part of us getting to see what (Y/N) went through in that three week period 👀- Hope you enjoyed!

Caught By Flames (Kyojuro Rengoku x Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora