9 : We Meet again (2)

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A/N: this will be in Second POV, hope you enjoy!

You felt the warmth of his hand in yours but didn't dare move. It felt nice, even though you barely knew him. It was refreshing and some what of a shock to your body. With even breathing you turned onto your side to be more comfortable with you arm outstretched. A small smile formed on your lips as you went back to sleep.

'Run. Run, (Y/N), and don't stop. Run and run, no matter what-!" A voice yelled at you. Your eyes shot open and you felt the cold surround your body. It reminded you of something, but what? "Another dream?" You cursed and stood up looking at the unfamiliar people. You didn't have control over your actions, and a frightened expression took on your face as your barely covered legs start running. You had shoes on, but the snow made it hard to feel your feet. Screaming. It was loud and scary, you could hear the blood splatter from where you were running. Run, run. Those words echoed in your mind like a clue of some sort.

It got quiet. Too quiet. You no longer heard the terrified screams or splatter of blood. No, nothing. You thought about stopping and taking some time to breathe, but you couldn't. Your breath was ragged, but you kept running like the people told you. You ran and ran until you felt three claws sink deep into your back. 'My scars- this is how I got them- this isn't a dream, it's a memory...' you thought to yourself slowly piecing it together. Your body was heavy, but you stood back up and began running. You had already fallen down the steeper part of the mountain, and now a heavy wound on your back appeared.

Suddenly, the warmth of Kyojuro's hand started to come back. It made you feel relieved at first, but you wanted to see more. More of whatever this was. More warmth was slowly returning to you body until your jolted awake headbutting Giyu. Your forehead began to bleed and mix with the sweat that had formed. "Ow..."

"(Y/N), what happened?! How long have you been having nightmares?!" Sabito questioned with a clearly worried and stressed voice.

You touched you back where the three scars were. It was the first time you had that dream specifically, but you had never realized your dreams were memories. "I-I'm... okay?" You questioned your own thoughts. You remembered the pain clearly, it was as if it just happened.

"Does your back hurt? You injured it pretty badly years ago!" Kyojuro enthusiastically asked still holding your hand confidently.

You looked confused yourself, "No... but I had a dream... and it hurt a lot-..." you winced as you hand slightly brushed over it and Kyojuro seemed to understand perfectly. He pulled your clothing down and jumped out of shock. "It's bleeding..." you whispered, "I was on a mountain and I was told to run and not to stop... I fell a few times... but a bear like demon came out and gave me three large scratches... is that what happened?"

"Not completely. That was actually the day we met, (Y/N)." Kyojuro confessed. He seemed to act guilty, but there was nothing for him to feel guilt for. You knew that much. "My father found you really injured but still running as your family had told you to do. As soon as he told you to stop, you did. You were good at following orders, that much was for certain." He chuckled with a heaviness in his posture. It made you sound like a dog, but it was the truth.

"Well, anyways, we should cover it and stop the bleeding. We don't need it getting infected." Sabito said confidently.

"Yeah, I can go get Shinobu to do it. You should all get some more rest." You stood up and smiled protesting their help while walking out of the room. As soon as the door closed, you released a heavy sigh as you facepalmed and continued walking. Shinobu was staying at the butterfly mansion for the night, so you knew where she would be and headed there. After walking for a bit, you stumbled and placed you hand on the wood beside you. It was getting harder to breathe and walk. Wincing at the pain starting to shoot down your leg, you continued towards Shinobu's room and finally made it.

Caught By Flames (Kyojuro Rengoku x Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin