A look of worry flashed across Namjoon's eyes as Yoongi threw his head back in a fit of laughter.

You covered Louis' ears, not wanting him to hear such a haunting sound.

"You think you're clever, Kim?" Yoongi asked, insanity lacing his voice. "I know my babydoll. I know her enough to know that she would not run to you unless she knew the brat was safe...which means, if she came here, Louis was here as well....But, I don't see the boy and you only have one bullet missing from your clip."

Your eyes widened as you covered your mouth in shock.

He was too smart.

Namjoon stood his ground as Yoongi raised his gun again.

"So, where is he?" He asked. "You must think I'm stupid to give me a lie like that....I'll bet you're planning some kind of escape for him, right? In fact, I'll bet Y/n is holding her in her arms right now, waiting for the right moment to leap to safety. Come on, Kim. Surely you could do better than this."

Namjoon stayed silent, eyes darting in your direction.

"She's in this room, isn't she?" Yoongi continued, coking his gun. "Well, then she can watch you die."

Namjoon closed his eyes as Yoongi squeezed the trigger, waiting for the loud bang to fill the room and the bullet to end his life.

This was the end.

He would never see you or hold you again.

He would never be able to be with you like he had always wanted.

If this was his fate, then he would accept it.


Namjoon blinked in surprise at the sound, eyebrows jumping as he watched Yoongi tilt his head in confusion.

"Huh." Yoongi smiled, tossing his gun. "I must have used all of my bullets on your people...Guess, I'll have to do this the hard way."

The dirty blond man jumped into action as Yoongi reached for his knife. Namjoon grabbed his own pistol, firing a few shots towards the trained killer.

Yoongi let out a groan of pain as one of the bullets lodged itself into his left arm, blood trailing from the wound and covering his sleeve.

"Go! Now!" Namjoon called to you, his head whipping in your direction.

Yoongi used his opponents brief distraction to his advantage, sending a hard blow to Namjoon's jaw, his pistol flying across the room as he stomped down on his wrist, a loud crack filling his ears.

Yoongi smiled widely as you shot out of the closet, Louis in your arms as you ran out of the room and back down the hall he had just come from.

"Found you." He called, beginning to walk in your direction.

Namjoon swiped his leg out, kicking Yoongi's legs out from underneath him before jumping up and crawling ontop of him, his hands catching Yoongi's just in time to stop the knife he held from slicing his neck open.

"Only ten minutes left."Yoongi laughed as Namjoon turned the blade on him, using his strength to try and force the blade into the assassin's throat. "I don't have to to be fighting with you."

He twisted Namjoon's wrist, sending a kick to his stomach and effectively knocking his body off of his own.

"I won't let you hurt them." Namjoon mumble, blood trickling from his mouth.

Yoongi seemed to grow angry at that statement, lunging forward with the knife.

Namjoon dodged, but the knife landed directly in his side, causing blood to pour from the wound.

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