Josh goes in a date

Start from the beginning

I walked closer to the boy on the floor when something in his seat caught my eye. I pile of letters with scrawly and childish handwriting with small doodles here and there. I picked up one of the envelopes, turning it over in my hand.

Josh: I dunno, I mean I don't know what to wear or how to act. What if he doesn't like the carnival?

I read the rerun address in the corner of the envelope, it seemed familiar, too familiar. Oh my god. This is the address for the Lunch Club house, that means Josh was going on a date with one of my roommates. CallMeCarson, was Carson King! He even said he was meeting up with someone today! I felt my lips curl into a grin.

Wil: Stop worrying about it, Carson seems like the type to like carnivals anyways, you'll be fine.
Josh: How do you know?You've never even met him!
Wil: Actually, I have. I live with him, even.
Josh: Huh? What do you mean?
Wil: Look, this return address is where I'm living right now, plus I have a roommate named Carson.
Josh: wHAT? You have to tell me all about him what is he like? Is he funny? Will he think I'm funny? Is he mean? Did he talk about m-
Wil: Clam down dude! He's a nice person, you'll have a good time.

We spent the next few hours catching up and getting Josh gussied up for his night out. He also explained to me how much he knew about Carson and how long they had been in touch and so on and so forth. The boys were planning to meet up at about 6ish,  ( Josh doesn't like the dark) right now it was about five.

Wil: Well it's getting pretty late, well not really( Schlatt will probably want me home though), I should probably hit the road anyways.
Josh: Yeah, that's fair. Thanks for coming over, I'm glad you could calm me down. I hope I just don't fuck up until then.
Wil: No, wrong attitude! Your gonna go have a great time, and he will fall head over heels for you.
Josh: Sure....

I rolled my eyes at his low self esteem and the uncertainty laced in his voice,i grabbed my jacket and keys, heading out of the apartment. Breathing in the fresh autumn air, a few small browned leaves fell from their branches as a soft gust of wind rippled through my hair. I couldn't help but think of the grumpy American I spend so much time with. The colors of dark oranges and bright reds reminded me of his cheek against my chest and the soft wind had me recall the empty and defeated look in his eyes when he screamed at night. I shook the thoughts of Schlatt out of my head and got into Carson's shabby car, driving away from my old home.
On the way home I decided that I was going to apply for a few jobs when I got home. Don't get me wrong I really appreciate and like the position and I'm paid well but it doesn't hurt to get myself out there.

I had just gotten settled in front of my computer when i noticed Carson was leaving the house. I turned around, offering him a warm smile and wishing him the best of luck when i noticed he was wearing the outfit i picked out for him the day prior.

Schlatt's pov:
I had just finished streaming when I looked over at the clock; 8:45. 
Huh, I guess it's later than I thought. Kinda hungry, I should get myself a snack.
I dragged myself upstairs and into the dinning room where Wilbur sat, hunched over his computer.
I guess he finally got home. I've been dreading this but I have to talk to him about Carson, if Josh broke his heart I couldn't have it on my conscience.

Jay: Hey Wilbur.... watcha doing?

Wil: Not much just applying for a few jobs here and there.

What? I mean sure, i get it, this cant be his dream job but why was he in such a hurry to get away from here? Did someone do something? Did I do something?

Jay: Oh, that's cool.... any luck?

Wil: Well i sure hope so. I found this great place that trains and hires therapists, since ive already gone to school for psychology and have done some years of training im thinking there's not much they can say no to about me!

Therapist? Psychology? That's new. Wilbur turned his computer slightly showing me the company's website. I memorized their name before looking away.

Jay: Anyways, i was meaning to talk to you about your relationship with Josh and how it might be affecting Carson. I know its not really my place to step in but, Carson is my friend and i just want the best for him. He really does like Josh, i mean he has very real feelings for him. And i'm not telling anyone to back off here i just want you to tell Carson that you're in a relationship with Josh, since he doesn't know.

As i rambled i watched the Brit's eyebrows furrow more and more.

Wil: Schlatt i'm no-

Jay: Just hear me out here Wilbur! I want you to know that this goes past you and Josh, your'e hurting Carson you're hurting me. I really don't want him to be led on and then have his heart stepped on because you guys want to fool around.

Wil: Josh and i aren't-

Jay: I don't care what you guys do! I know that Carson isn't comfortable with open relationships and even if he were he would want to know what was happening before hand- Hey!

The brunette had thrown his hand in the air with frustration and began to walk away but threw him self in a nearby chair when i protested.

Jay: Wilbur i'm serious! This is so much more than just you and your want for more playthings!

The wavy haired boys jaw dropped at that last statement. Maybe i went too far.

Like clockwork the front door opened and i was met with a giddy Carson with a giant smile plastered on his face.

Wil: Hi Carson! How did your date with Josh go?

He glared at me as he spoke with slight venom in his tone.

Jay: You KNew?! You absolute monster! What the hell is wrong with you?

Car: Huh? what's happening here?

Josh: Hey Wil!

A small brunette boy peered around the statue that was Carson holding an almost empty cotton candy cone and a light brown teddy bear almost the size of half a human, he was wearing a soft bush and an equally giddy smile.

Wil: I take it went well then, seeing as you're both here. Josh, this is gonna sound bad but would you mind explaining to Shlatt here that we were never together, never fucked and you were never my plaything?

Josh's already prominent blush deepened into a darker and more intense red as Carson peered at him through a raised brow.

Josh: whAT!? Wilbur- i mean no we were never together we were never more than friends!

I took a step back and tried to analyze the situation and chaos unfolding in front of me. The boy standing behind Carson did seem to be telling the truth in the sense that he was very flustered and panicked. So that meant that Wilbur was being truthful as well and my assumptions caused an embarrassingly unnecessary scene. I must have been out of it because when i looked up i saw a twisted smirk playing on the Brit's face.

Wil: You guys go on and enjoy your evening, ill explain the situation to Schlatt.

Car: Thanks Wil. Jay can get a little paranoid sometimes.

The blonde offered him a lopsided smile before turning on his heel, grabbing Josh's wrist and dragging him upstairs.

Wil: You two have fun, but remember it is only the first date.

The shortest boy looked like he was going to pass out because of the blushing and only gave Wilbur a panicked look before being whisked away.

Wil: So, Jay?


whoop whoop! ok i know not much happened and i'm sorry for that! also sorry for not uploading for a few days having to go back to school has been really time consuming!

PS: sorry for the uncalled for formatting changes

Luv u <3

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