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gotta zayn

zaynmalik it's been two weeks now

itsgloria for what?

zaynmalik oooh, you here
zaynmalik so nothing

imperrie how's my best friend who ignored me for weeks?

itsgloria AAAAGAIN
itsgloria i needed time for myself and then i got fever
itsgloria so i took too much time for myself, i guess

zaynmalik what a friend..

imperrie i was about to call the cops

itsgloria and I appreciate it???
itsgloria but, for real, i didn't want to talk with you after breaking up with zabdiel
itsgloria too many questions, i couldn't handle it

imperrie but we're talking about it now

itsgloria we don't need to, maybe jade knows everything about it already

jeedthirlwall in fact, i know nothing
jeedthirlwall i've just discovered you two broke up
jeedthirlwall what happened

itsgloria he asked me to move to miami with him, and i said no
itsgloria i haven't finish college yet and even when i'll finish it i won't be done
itsgloria and i don't want to move to the other part of the world. it's hard now that i live three hours of plane away from my family.. imagine living 12 hours and more of plane away from my family
itsgloria i.. couldn't

zaynmalik yeah, it's a big thing

itsgloria so he left mad, but we were still together
itsgloria but after a couple of days he was obsessively calling me, asking me with who I was
itsgloria if harry was there
itsgloria i cheated so I know I made him a little paranoic
itsgloria but enough is enough so i broke up with him through a text
itsgloria i know it's bad but he wasn't worth it anymore
itsgloria and i'm very sad for this because i thought he was the one, you know
itsgloria he was perfect
itsgloria but i ruined it

imperrie you didn't ruin it

itsgloria i did. i cheated on him
itsgloria i know how he feels, i know it perfectly because i've been through it

imperrie i know the feeling
imperrie i hope you're ok now

itsgloria yeah, i feel better
itsgloria i can't deny i cried a lot
itsgloria but i'm better
itsgloria nurse harry took care of me

zaynmalik how's he by the way

itsgloria he's fine, he's sleeping
itsgloria i've made a cake to thank him, i hope i didn't wake him up

zaynmalik HAHAHAHA how funny

imperrie so
imperrie how's the situation now?

itsgloria i'm heartbroken, what situation are you taking about?

imperrie meeeh
imperrie you and harry are friends?

itsgloria i guess so?

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