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gotta zayn

imperrie has anyone heard gloria these days?
imperrie it's been one week she's ignoring me and zayn
imperrie i'm worried 😩

Harry_Styles I've called her a couple of times but she didn't answer
Harry_Styles I've texted her mum as it was her anniversary days ago and I asked her if she was there and she told me she didn't hear that for a while actually

zaynmalik we've been texting her boyfriend as well but he says he doesn't know nothing about it
zaynmalik at this point i doubt he's her boyfriend at all

jeedthirlwall i've asked chris about it and he said he can't really tell me anything about it
jeedthirlwall i think they broke up :(

Harry_Styles how many days have her ignored you?

imperrie exactly.. one week and a half
imperrie her last text was when she told me she was driving zabdiel to the airport

Harry_Styles how did she seem?

imperrie normal??
imperrie she knew he had to leave so she spent the whole month with him without using socials that much
imperrie but seemed weird as well

Harry_Styles why?

zaynmalik that day we called her and she answered, telling us she couldn't spend time taking on the phone and that she would've call us later

Harry_Styles Mhh.. weird.
Harry_Styles i've never spent that much time without texting her or hearing from her. neither when she spent time with her family!
Harry_Styles maybe something serious happened.

imperrie I texted her roommate but she told me she's in italy so she doesn't know how gloria is
imperrie we wanted to go at hers but we thought she went to miami with zabdiel at first

Harry_Styles when did you text zabdiel?

imperrie yesterday

Harry_Styles have you asked him if she's been there?

zaynmalik yes, he said she didn't
zaynmalik and said he hasn't heard from here since four days after he left

Harry_Styles I have a spare key, I'm going to check on her so we can all calm down, alright?

jeedthirlwall not tell your girlfriend or she'll get jealous

Harry_Styles stfu she dumped me today
Harry_Styles she REALLY used me for clout

imperrie oUCH
imperrie by the way
imperrie as soon as you know literally anything just call me straight away i'm so worried

Harry_Styles yes, don't worry, I'll call you asap

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