Chapter 45 [edited]

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It was amazing to feel the atmosphere in the living room change from an unspoken tension to one full of love and a kind of peace, in a matter of moments. Edward and Bella were quietly talking to each other about the baby while Alice and Rosalie flitted around the house, making sure that everything was in order for when the baby came. The other Cullens were still out hunting, so it was just the six of us.

"Do you think it'd be okay for Autumn to go home and grab a few things?" Jacob directed to Edward, causing him to pause his conversation with Bella.

"Of course." Edward said, his eyes shifting to me. "I'll call you if there are any changes."

Jacob helped me to my feet and slowly walked me out to my car, making sure I didn't fall over.

"You look like you need a nap," he murmured, opening the passenger door for me. "Are you okay?"

"I'm not used to waking up so early," I joked, clicking my seatbelt into place as he got into the driver's side. "A nap actually sounds good right now, even though it's early afternoon."

"Why don't you take a shower when we get back to your mom's and take a nap, and I'll help you gather some things when you wake up? That way you can get some sleep away from everyone else, and you can be in your own bed." Jacob gently squeezed my hand as he drove, his eyes scanning the tree line on our way back into town.

"Sounds good to me." I stifled a yawn, my eyes slightly watering. "I want to check on Chloe, too... see if she wants to keep Leah company for a while."

"That's not a bad idea." Jacob murmured. "Leah needs to phase back to human for a few hours, at least. Get some real food in her stomach... that kind of thing."

"I agree."

Mom greeted us when we walked through the front door, keys in hand as she prepared to head back to the bakery. With a promise to call her as soon as I woke up from my nap, Mom kissed my forehead and left, the sound of the engine of her SUV fading as she disappeared down the street. Jacob made sure I was comfortable in my bed before he quietly slipped out of the room, his footsteps muffled by the carpet. Within seconds, my eyes shut against the pale light shining through my window, engulfing me in complete silence.

* * * * * * * * *

The digital clock on my nightstand read a quarter after 7 pm when I woke up in a cold sweat, the last of the half-forgotten nightmare disappearing as my eyes adjusted to the dim light. Sitting upward, I wiped the back of my neck with my hand, pushing my dampened hair off of my skin. Thank goodness I decided to take a shower after my nap; the sticky layer of sweat on me clung like static.

Laying on top of my desk sat a small stack of folded clothes; inspecting closer, I realized that Jacob had picked out a pair of faded blue jeans and an oversized yellow sweater - the two softest clothing items in my closet. A note in his handwriting was carefully placed on top.

As soon as your shower is done, I have hot chocolate waiting for you... with whipped cream and cinnamon, just the way you like it. And if you haven't heard it lately, you're beautiful even when you're sleeping peacefully (yes, I checked on you to make sure you were okay... I know you've been having nightmares). I love you.

Beaming to myself at the "I love you" scrawled at the bottom, I tucked the note into a small box on the bookcase next to my desk and gathered what I needed before heading into my bathroom, eager to feel like myself again. The hot water pelted against my pale skin, a rhythmic pattern that soothed my muscles and washed away any stress lingering in my pores.

By the time I made my way downstairs, Jacob had a mug of hot chocolate waiting for me as promised; he and Chloe both turned towards me as I entered the kitchen, slow smiles blooming on their faces.

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