Chapter 29 [edited]

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Time seemed to stand still as Edward and I stood on the curb outside Bella's house, neither of us talking. The conversation from last night kept replaying in my head as we stared anxiously at the front door; even though the Cullens and the wolf pack were on better terms, Edward was a little uneasy to involve the pack. He brought up his concern about telling the wolves as soon as he read my mind, causing Bella to roll her eyes and tell him to stop being jealous.

The look of shock on Edward's face as Bella had stormed past him to step outside and call Jacob herself had mirrored everyone else's expressions. Things didn't seem to have gotten better this morning by the time Jacob had pulled into the driveway; even he kept some distance from the couple.

A wary half-smirk tugged at the corners of Edward's lips and I knew he heard my thoughts. Before I could speak, he stood straight, his eyes locked on the door. A moment passed before Bella stepped onto the porch, Jacob right behind her.

"Whoever it was, he left his scent behind." Jacob looked directly at Edward who met them halfway up the walk. "It won't be hard to miss when we cross his path again. How do you want to handle patrols?"

"Jacob, you know you don't have to do that," Edward said, shaking his head. Jacob snorted in response.

"Your girl isn't the only one at stake, Cullen. We can take the night patrols, it'll be easier for us to be in wolf form then."

"Is your family okay with the day shift?" Bella asked Edward, her concerned tone softening his facial features slightly.

"Yes, that works for us."

"Good. It's settled then." Bella linked her arm through mine and led me away from the guys, both watching us with guarded expressions. "We have to discuss what our plan is; do we stay home, or do we spend some time in La Push?"

"I think some time in La Push would be good," I chewed on my bottom lip, casting a glance over my shoulder at Jacob. "It might make things a little less... stressful, especially for Edward and Jacob. They're really worried about us, and honestly, I get it."

"I do too," Bella sighed before stopping on the sidewalk and turning back around. "Anytime you go, I'll go too. If we stay together, then your stalker and my stalker won't be able to attack us alone."


"Jacob just told me that there's a party in La Push tonight. I think you should go," Edward wrapped his arm around Bella and kissed the top of her head. "I can drop you off at the treaty line around six if you'd like to spend some time with me before you go."

"That sounds great. Will you be okay?" Bella asked me. I nodded, shifting closer to the warmth radiating from Jacob's body.

"I'll see you in a few hours. I have to stop by the bakery for a while, Mom has a big order to fulfill by tonight."

"Remind me to thank her again for helping the tribal council tonight," Jacob murmured in my ear, his arm slipping around my waist.

"We probably should go," I glanced at my watch. "Be careful, both of you. I know I don't have to say that to you, Edward, being a vampire and all. But you're as much family as Bella is, and I can't stand the thought of something happening to you."

"I know, Leaf." Edward smiled warily before he pulled me into a hug. "You stay safe too."

With one last wave, Edward and Bella left in the Volvo while Jacob held the door to his car open for me, his eyes sweeping the area. Uneasiness settled into the pit of my stomach and didn't disappear even when we parked in front of the bakery ten minutes later. Mom was behind the counter ringing up a customer when I pushed the door open, her body visibly relaxing when she realized it was me. The haunted look in her eyes slipped into genuine happiness and my heart shattered in my chest as I realized how much she had aged over the last few weeks.

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